Chapter 71 Buying a Shop

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Lu Xu took his younger brothers and sisters to prepare a large table of dishes. The grocery store closed early, and the whole family gathered at Lu Xu's house for a reunion dinner.

On the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival, there was no wind or rain, the weather was sunny, and the moon was round and bright.

Lu Xu asked Han Lu and Xiao Xia to bring out the dessert mooncakes first, followed by the hot dishes. The whole family gathered together, the fish and meat were fragrant, but Lu Hui was missing.

But Xiaoyu said something out of nowhere, "My brother loves fish heads the most."

There was a moment of silence on the table. The third aunt and the third uncle suppressed their laughter and tried to laugh. They looked up at the moon but couldn't help but shed tears.

From the third grandmother's house next door, bursts of crying could be heard from time to time.

Lu Xu said: "Xiao Hui is escorting the grain and grass. I think nothing will happen to him."

The third uncle nodded. Lu Xu had already told them as soon as he inquired about Lu Hui's situation before, but they couldn't get the news. They could only hope that the battle would go smoothly and that Lu Hui would be safe and return home soon.

On the very next day, the main forces of the two armies clashed on the border.

Lu Xu and Yan Junqi wrote to the scholars in Chongning County who lived together in the state capital, hoping to ask about the situation in Shuozhou. Lu Xu handed the letter to the cargo ship heading north, wondering if it could be delivered to Chongning.

Life in the county is peaceful, and the biggest thing is that the autumn harvest is about to begin. Harvesting of the early-maturing millet rice begins.

Nowadays, livestock power is scarce, and conscription has led to a shortage of manpower. When labor is in short supply, some people start to think of finding part-time workers.

In addition to people from this village and neighboring villages, people gradually inquired about Lu Xu and his Guanyang Alliance.

Nowadays, their boats reach all the towns in Guanyang, and the areas along the river are even deeper into the villages. There are boaters, unloaders, fishermen, and grain sellers... As long as they want to join, there are no bad records. Lu Xu will not refuse anyone who comes. Unknowingly, it has become a relatively reliable network.

When someone inquired, someone went to the grocery store to help. Liang Shanbao was no stranger to part-time labor. They had done a lot of it when they came down from the mountain. He immediately agreed to help and asked, and within two days they recruited a group of people from their brothers, the county, and the dock. , sent to various villages to help with the autumn harvest.

The remuneration conditions were also negotiated by Liang Shanbao in person, including transportation, food and accommodation, seventy cash per day. The shipping fee is shared between both parties, with members only receiving half of the shipping price.

After the boat delivers everyone, you can also buy some vegetables, fruits, and new grains and rice from various villages.

Although the price of food in the county has returned to the normal price at the beginning of the year, it is always cheaper to buy it from the village.

After all, the passenger ship has business, the day laborers have work, and the farmers have found labor, and everyone is happy.

This was something that neither Lu Xu nor Liang Shanbao expected at first. Unknowingly, the name of the Guanyang Alliance was gradually being called.

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