Chapter 14 Targeted

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Luo Shen heard the commotion just now, but it didn't cause any trouble to him. He didn't want to interfere with the Yamen's business, and he couldn't do it. He didn't expect this kid to recognize him.

He carefully identified it and suddenly recognized it, "You are a boy from the Luji family."

"It's me." Lu Xu saluted him, "Thanks to Brother Luo's help, I was able to find my father."

Luo Shen nodded.

Lu Xu didn't talk nonsense. His father and Lu Xu's brothers worked together in the corvee digging canals and died together. According to common sense, if there was an accident while doing the corvee, they were buried on the spot and washed away by the flood, only along the river. I looked around for it, and if I couldn't find it, I would do a soul-calling ceremony by the river as a comfort.

Thanks to the large number of people in the Luo Shen tribe, and because he was an official official, the tribesmen saw that no one had found the body, so they secretly ran back to Guanyang to cry to Luo Shen. Luo Shen was afraid that the tribesmen would escape privately and be punished, so after thinking about it, he went to pray for the people. Because of this, he pleaded with the county magistrate to retrieve the corpse of Guanyang's laborer.

That's why Lu Xu and Yan Junqi were able to follow Li Zheng to find the person, and it was Luo Shen who took the lead at that time.

At that time, the war was in turmoil, and he had barely spoken to Luo Shen. Thanks to Luo Shen, he still recognized him!

Lu Xu didn't know that his father was in the same team as the Luo Shen tribe. His younger brother was young. Lu Ji missed his son, loved the house and the birds, and took great care of his younger brother. When the water came down, it was thanks to Lu Ji that he pushed him away. The younger brother was lucky enough to escape with his life by hugging the tree.

His younger brother wanted to express his gratitude to Lu Xu, but at that time Lu Xu was too sad and numb with grief, so he didn't hear a word of it in his heart.

Luo Shen had a fair impression of him. First, his father saved his clan brother. Second, he remembered that this boy said that he would take his father's body back for burial despite losing all his family's wealth. He was a filial son.

So when Luo Shen heard the noise, he didn't expect it to be Lu Xu. Could this kid be so lively and cause trouble?

Luo Shen had a straight face, showing no emotion or anger, and asked Lu Xu in a deep voice, "Do you owe gambling debts?"

Lu Xu shook his head repeatedly, "It's nothing! The kid buried his father's family and borrowed money. To make a living, he came to the county to sell snails to make a small profit. Seeing that my business was good, these two not only asked me to collect protection fees, but also asked me to Give them all the money and don’t allow me to sell it in the county again!”

The two gangsters gritted their teeth angrily, "Who said you are not allowed to sell it in the county? I mean..."

Lu Xu: "Yes, they also said that they are Wang Fa of Guanyang County! Many people have heard it."

Luo Shen: "..."

The two gangsters were so angry, "Master Luo, please listen to his nonsense. He beat our brother and tried to run away."

Lu Xu: "I was selling snails, but I didn't recognize you two. They asked me for money. I just wanted to make peace with them and gave them to them. One hundred coins were not enough, so I added another hundred coins. Many people saw it. It's The two of them demanded all my money and beat me, so I had no choice but to fight back and run away."

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