Chapter 102 Image

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After a good chat with his second uncle, Lu Xu gradually gained an idea of ​​the northern border.

The climate, products, and environment were all beyond his imagination.

Lu Xu originally wanted to bring them more money, but now it sounds like there is a shortage of supplies there, and even if you have money, you may not be able to buy anything.

But they can buy bedding, clothes, and food that they will definitely use. It is so far away that they may not be able to carry it smoothly.

Lu Xu was confused.

"It would be great if there was trade over there."

Lu Qing smiled and said, "The war has just ended and the situation is unclear. No merchant dares to rush there. It will gradually get better in the future."

Lu Xu sighed, "But it's not winter yet. How cold it will be over there. Brother Hu and the others are not all young and strong. They are old and young, and they have a family..."

It was really hard for him to imagine.

Lu Xu returned home from his second uncle, and many thoughts came to his mind along the way.

Due to location and climate restrictions, the north cannot produce much food. If you want to eat enough, you have to either follow the barbarian herding methods, or cultivate more farmland.

But those take time and are more risky than Guanyang.

A heavy snowfall or a cold wave may cause them to lose their harvest and wipe out their cattle and sheep.

Qiu Hu and the others were originally mountain people, and they were not as experienced in farming as the families in the villages down the mountain. Moreover, the seeds brought from Guanyang might not be suitable for those there.

In the first two or three years, everything was in the experimental stage. They had such a baseless past and their ability to bear risks was too poor.

Lu Xu thought about it, and at present, the best way is through trade.

The only way to sell something is to at least ensure that people don't starve to death.

Lu Xu silently thought about the map drawn by Yan Junqi and the landforms dictated by his second uncle. It seemed that it would not be difficult to transport the goods to Yonggu County all the way north. After passing Yonggu County and Qianjiao Mountain, you will find the territory of the barbarians in the past. Now Qiu Hu is a hundred households there, and his main responsibility is to look after the barbarians. It should not be difficult to find them to escort the caravan...

Lu Xu pondered all the way and walked home. After thinking about it, those were far away. Their Guanyang Alliance was not that strong yet. He couldn't do it by himself. If he wanted someone to go, he had to mobilize well.

Right now, all he could do was hurry up and prepare something for Qiu Hu and the others.

It’s hard to carry heavy ones, always carry some light ones.

Qiu Hu was about to leave on the sixth day of the Lunar New Year. It was already the fourth day of the Lunar New Year and it was almost dark. Lu Xuneng had limited time to prepare, so he collected some dried vegetables from various houses in the village, cut them all into small pieces, wrapped them in oil paper and flattened them.

When eating on the road, you don’t have to worry about whether the shape is good or not, as long as you can supplement some vitamins and have the effect.

Another important thing is medicine. It can prevent frostbite, treat wind and cold, treat injuries caused by falls, treat diarrhea...

The road is slippery in the snow, so if someone gets sick in the wilderness, it won't be a big deal.

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