Chapter 122: Stand up

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The two of them walked on the road without saying anything.

Yan Junqi led the way, and Lu Xu walked side by side with him.

Walking all the way, looking at the empty streets, he just wanted to take a walk and relax, but as he walked, Lu Xu discovered that the route Yan Junqi took him happened to pass through all the shops of Guanyang Alliance, large and small.

Tan Shitou and others left the grocery store and mountain goods store to him, the store where others joined their alliance and hung the flag, the store where Yuan Manniang and Han Lu did not hang the flag, and finally, the Luji Food Store that he ran by himself.

Han Lu and the others also went home with Yuan Manniang today, and the third aunt in the food shop is not here either. Gouzi and Lu Yong's family are busy in the shop. The food shop is still as busy as when it first opened, from morning to night.

Lu Xu stood across the street, stunned for a while.

Yan Junqi asked: "Want to go over and have something to eat?"

Before Lu Xu could think about it, he was spotted by Lu Yong who came out to see people off. Lu Yong quickly invited them to come in and sit down.

Lu Yong asked him what he wanted to eat. Lu Xu thought for a moment and asked for a portion of fried snails, rice dumplings and fried dough sticks, and then two bowls of soy milk, which she and Yan Jun ate slowly.

During this period, regular customers and neighbors in the store teased him, "Now Xiao Lu doesn't even have to cook, he just sits down and eats."

Lu Xu also laughed: "I've become the boss!"

They joked, and Lu Xu gave each table a small plate of snails.

Nowadays, stir-fried field snails are not only spicy, but also have five-flavor and sauce-flavored flavors to accommodate customers who cannot tolerate spicy food. However, the mainstream flavor is still spicy.

In addition to the snails, they also fry some small river shrimps. The small river shrimps, a specialty of Qinghe, are no more than two knuckles long at most. They are transparent and green, and the shells are crispy and thin. They are fried in flour or directly fried in hot oil. They are both very good. Wine and appetizers.

Children from all over the neighborhood love to come here to buy, and my wife is patient. Even if they only have a penny, she will sell them.

The only thing you can do is to pull more when you go to the river to collect reed leaves, and use washed, dried and flattened reed leaves instead of oiled paper, and it doesn't cost any money.

The reeds used in the shop were beaten by Gouzi's father. Now that Gouzi doesn't let him do heavy work, the couple not only use money to repair their home, but also help their son and daughter-in-law.

The reed leaves haven't reached their full size yet, but they can already be picked to make rice dumplings.

You don’t have to make rice dumplings in a shop. You soak the glutinous rice at home before going out in the morning. After closing the shop and going home in the evening, Gouzi’s parents have prepared reed leaves, wheat straw, dates, and brown sugar. The couple brought dinner back. After the family finished eating, they started wrapping.

The same is true for Lu Yong's family. Lu Yong's grandma is in poor health, and Lu Yong brought the reed leaves home from the store.

Now both of their families can make rice dumplings.

Now that there were enough people, Lu Xu ate a full meal and gave instructions to two cooking apprentices on cooking techniques. Without staying in the store to help, Lu Xu rubbed his belly and walked away with Yan Jun.

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