Chapter 86 Trust

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"Oh, the second boss."

"How are you? Are you okay? I also said I wanted to see you. Come in, isn't it cold outside?" Lu Xu lifted the curtain for him and saw that the cloth on the dog's head was gone and there were no injuries on his body. , couldn't help but feel a little happier.

"I'm fine, everything is fine," Gouzi was infected by his smile, smiled, and hurriedly asked Lu Xu to put down the curtain, "The store is busy and I won't go in."

After that, he trotted over, took something out of his arms and handed it to Lu Xu.

Lu Xu opened the bag, which was full of broken silver.

Gouzi: "This is thirty-two taels. I will pay back the rest slowly."

Lu Xu was confused, "Give it to me? When did you owe me money?"

Gouzi: "Yan Shulang gave me money for the doctor's visit and medicine. You went to jail because of me and fined me fifty taels. You also paid Master Six ten taels as compensation..."

Lu Xu looked down at the bag of money.

He knew that Song Liu compensated Gouzi thirty taels, and Gouzi took it all without spending a penny. Not only did he not spend any money, he even got an extra twenty taels!

Lu Xu refused, "You have money, if you don't buy some good supplements, what are you going to do for me? If you want to give it, I should give it to you." Lu Xu was still blaming himself for causing Gouzi to almost lose his life for no reason.

Gouzi said calmly: "It's because of me that you... went to jail."

Lu Xu: "I beat Song Liu because I don't like him. We have had a grudge for a long time and it has nothing to do with you. If I hadn't had a grudge against him, he wouldn't have beaten you like that. I don't want the money. You can keep it for the winter." Bar!"

Gouzi said hurriedly: "Medicine money..."

Lu Xu: "I should also pay for the medicine."

Lu Xu opened the curtain and asked Han Lu to make some pies for him.

The pie was something Han Lu and Xiao Xia thought up when Lu Xu was in prison to expand the types of vegetables they could sell.

They didn't have Lu Xu's cooking skills, and if they couldn't copy gourds and gourds, they would lose customers, so they simply focused on the staple food. Han Lu had an idea and asked Xiaoxia to pat the steamed buns into pancakes and bake them like scallion pancakes. It tastes like an extra layer of deep-fried aroma and is very popular as soon as it comes out.

The two sisters were encouraged. From the original cabbage and pork filling, they have added five flavors: cabbage and pork, cabbage and radish, tofu, fungus and carrot, bean paste, and pumpkin. They are salty, sweet, meat and vegetarian, to meet the needs of all customers.

A pie is as big as an adult's hand and is wrapped in oil paper.

Lu Xu asked Hanlu to pack two of each flavor and handed them to Shitou, "Song Liu is in prison. Where will you go from now on? Do you want to follow Song Qi?"

Gouzi shook his head.

After this experience, he has already decided not to go to any boat gangs or gambling houses again.

Lu Xu asked: "Then what will you do in the future?"

Gouzi: "I cut firewood with my father and sell it."

In the past, he thought this work was hard and unprofitable, and he felt that like his father, spending his whole life chopping wood and weaving straw sandals would not be able to give his wife a good life. Now, he feels that he can be like his father, who can protect his family all his life and keep the whole family in peace. An'an, if your life is simpler, you will be happy.

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