Chapter 83 Forgotten

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After Lu Xu finished cooking, he ran out and was met by an official who was going to buy fried dough sticks.

The officer saw him with empty hands and said, "Just in time, I didn't buy the fried dough sticks. Your Excellency asked me to ask you to cook more noodles."

Lu Xu: "Didn't you buy it?"

The official spread his hands and said, "Your shops are all closed! Your guy said he found your brother, and your aunt and others have all gone home."

Lu Xu still had to go and see for himself before he felt relieved, so he ran out immediately.

The officer shouted twice, remembering that Lu Xu was a prisoner after all, how could he run around the streets so freely, so he had to chase after him again.

When Lu Xu ran over, Lu Yong was the only one in the shop. The fire was out, and he packed up and prepared to go home.

Seeing Lu Xu, Lu Yong was so happy, "Brother Xu, you're out!"

Lu Xu: "Where are Third Aunt and the others? Have they received Lu Hui?"

Lu Yong: "I've received it. Uncle Junxin has also received his nephew. Shitou has found a boat to take them back to the village first."

Lu Xu said "Oh", but it still didn't feel real, "Just take it, then I'll go back."

Lu Yong: "Huh?"

The officer then chased after him, gasping for air, "I just said there was no one!"

Now that he's here, he can't come in vain. Lu Xu took away the noodles made by his third aunt, packed some fresh meat and vegetables for Lu Yong to take home, and gave Lu Yong a holiday.

The weather is cold and the noodles are not as good as before. The third aunt always gets up in the middle of the night to make the noodles. Now the noodles are just awake and not fried into fried dough sticks, which will be wasted.

Lu Xu returned to the yamen kitchen with the noodles and fried fried dough sticks for the whole yamen.

All officials and civil servants in Guanyang were dispatched, organizing official ships and large and small ships to send the unarmored soldiers home from all over the country. The locals in Guanyang stayed in the county, more than half of the people from other places rushed to the dock, and a few half to the north gate. Outside.

All passenger boats on the river were requisitioned, and Tan Shitou took out an empty fishing boat to send Lu Hui and others home.

The official ship had to send those who were far away first and then those who were nearby. Those from nearby villages who couldn't wait also chartered fishing boats. For a while, the river was full of fishing boats and everyone was beaming with joy.

The women who were washing clothes and fishing at the village pier in Lujia Village were the first to see the fleet. They immediately stopped caring about the clothes and the fish. They picked up the basin and shouted loudly towards the village. They were even more excited and couldn't even care about their clothes. The clothes were washed away by the river and they were not found.

The soldier who came out of the Lu family burst into tears when he saw the village wharf, which had become a small town.

When they left, the fields were still lush and green, but now that they are back, the red leaves on the mountains are beginning to fall.

They no longer went to Yinma Town, but wanted to get off the boat one after another. They anxiously threw their bags on the shore, took off their shoes and jumped off the boat.

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