Chapter 111 Buying Mountain

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Lu Xu guessed that the county magistrate was most likely looking for him to buy the mountain. It was true when he arrived at the county government.

The county magistrate asked him to survey and measure the mountains near Lujiacun, and asked him which mountain he wanted to buy.

Lu Xu held the schematic diagram and couldn't help but admire the county magistrate for being a county magistrate, how efficient he is!

Because the barren mountains are difficult to enter and there may be wild animals on the mountains, the surveying officers and soldiers did not survey too carefully. They only roughly measured the direction, trend, and mountain conditions. As for the exact number of acres, they made a rough estimate.

Lu Xu originally expected that mountainous land would be more expensive than fertile farmland. After all, there is still altitude. One acre is flat, and there are slopes on the mountain. The surface area may be how many acres.

However, the price quoted by the county magistrate to him was three taels of silver per mu, which was the lowest price for fertile farmland.

He thought about it carefully and understood.

Eighty percent of the pricing is related to the survey items——

They surveyed the products and ores, including whether there were any valuable trees, medicinal materials, etc.

Near Lujiacun, there are really worthless wild mountains.

However, although the survey was not very detailed, he still had to report it to the country if he discovered ores such as gold, silver, copper, and iron under the mountain during development. Metal mines can be clearly not allowed to be privately owned by the private sector, and those who hide them without reporting them will be beheaded. If he finds any jade, gems or the like, it will be considered a good character and he will be lucky.

This kind of luck is hard to come by. He has never heard of any gem mines in Guanyang.

Lu Xu looked at the schematic diagram and didn't say where he wanted it. Instead, he negotiated the starting price with the county magistrate first.

The rhetoric was still the same as what he had discussed with Yan Junqi last night, but through his mouth, he added a lot of sincere rainbow farts and expectations.

For example, he threatened to build a mountain road from Lujiacun to Guanyang, which was just what he thought of.

"When the fruit grows, we can cart it directly from the mountain to Guanyang, so we don't have to carry it back and forth to the boat!" Lu Xu said very boldly.

The county magistrate was surprised. He couldn't understand the meaning behind Lu Xu's words. To put it bluntly, he didn't have any money now. Could he give it later?

He doesn't have any money, yet he still dares to talk so brazenly about building a mountain road?

The county magistrate said: "Do you know how many people the imperial court needs to recruit corvees to build roads, and how long it will take to build roads?"

Lu Xu was dumbfounded, he really had no idea.

The county magistrate asked again: "Do you know how much money it costs to build a road?"

Lu Xu shook his head again.

However, he was young and optimistic, with a broad mind, and was not scared at all. He casually answered: "Then just cultivate slowly! You have to cultivate anyway. If you can't cultivate in three years, it will take five years. If you can't cultivate in five years, you will have to cultivate." It will only take ten years. The mountain road is quite basic and can pass an oxcart and a mule cart. It doesn’t need to be made too wide.”

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