Chapter 20 Returning

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Lu Xu stood up holding the tree and called "Uncle San" in a deep voice.

Lu Youzheng squinted his eyes and looked into the village. Leng Buding was startled by him.

"Xuwa? What are you doing hiding behind the tree?"

Lu Xu patted the dirt on his body and said, "I--can't sleep, let's take a walk!"


Soon, they, a group of strong men who had returned from corvee service, knew how Lu Xu walked -

As soon as they entered the village, they were warmly welcomed by the villagers holding hoes and sticks.

Everyone on both sides fell silent, and then the voices of "Dad!" "Brother!" "Brother!" rang out incessantly. The whole Lujia Village was boiling. The female family members who were hiding at home opened the door and ran away with their ears pricked up to listen. When they came out, the old lady with weak legs and feet was tied up like a hot wheel, and she rushed into the crowd to look for her children, shouting "My son!"

The third aunt also ran out from the third grandma's house. The third uncle was walking home when he heard someone calling him from behind. When he turned his head, the third aunt rushed towards him and beat him.

The whole village was crying and laughing, and the commotion lasted until midnight.

Lu Xu and Yan Junqi also took their family members home from their third grandmother's house. Looking at the bustle of the village from a distance, the two families felt endless sadness in their hearts.

Someone is back.

Some people can't come back.

Yuan Manniang stood at the door of her house and stared at the mountain road, tears falling unconsciously.

The fire at Lu Xu's house was still on fire, and the deep-fried dough sticks were only half fried. Seeing that the big and small ones were depressed, they couldn't sleep for a while, so they simply asked Lu Zhou to go to the next door and ask Yan Junqi's family to come to their house to eat fried dough sticks.

"It's the first time I've made it, and it was quite successful. Is it delicious?" Lu Xu sat in the yard, cooling off with a fan, chatting with Yan Junqi.

Yan Junqi's eyes were also red, and he looked a little depressed. Listening to his words, he cheered up and smiled, "It's delicious."

Compared with adults who are overwhelmed with sorrow, children are ignorant. La Yue and Wenzhen already know that their father is sleeping in the grave and will not come home again. They are envious when they see other people's fathers coming back, but they have already Some habits, fried dough sticks quickly dilute the sorrow. Lu Rui was even more heartless. He didn't cry when he was woken up. He gave him half a piece of fried dough stick and happily gnawed it until his face was covered with oil.

Lu Xu let out a long sigh and patted Yan Junqi and Lu Zhou.

Every family was cooking, and the smoke from cooking stoves in the village lasted until late at night.

Lu Xu didn't sleep well, so he simply didn't go to the county to sell snails the next day. Instead, he took his whole family to visit Lu Ji's grave to report that his third and fourth uncles were back well.

There were so many people visiting the grave today. Lu Xucai came down the mountain and saw his third uncle and fourth uncle coming with wine.

When they saw Lu Xu's family, big and small, they couldn't help but blush.

When they left, the three brothers walked together. When they came back, their eldest brother had already been buried in the grave.

"Xuwa, if you encounter any difficulties, tell me and your fourth uncle. We don't live together, but we are also a family. My fourth uncle and I see that you and Xiaohui Xiaoxuan are the same. Do you understand?"

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