Chapter 63 Alliance

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"what is it call?"

"Guanyang Alliance!"

Lu Xu called all the Qiu family members together and began lobbying for brainwashing. "I originally planned to call it Guanyang Trading Company, but when I thought about it, everyone is from farmers. It would be misleading to call it a trading company, so it would be better to form an alliance."

Crowd: Silence.

Lu Xu: "Are you reluctant to give up the name Qiu family? That's what I think. The eldest brother fought too much before, and others were afraid when they heard the reputation of the Qiu family. Let's change the name so that we can get closer to people and make business easier. But Don’t worry, the leader is still the eldest brother.”

"No, no, it doesn't matter what you call it. The Qiu family also called it by others."

"Dahu also thought of a name similar to the Boat Gang, but he never thought of it."

"It's the alliance..."

"Sounds weird."

"What is an alliance?"

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, I haven’t heard of it! strange!

Lu Xu said nonsense: "It means joining together and forming an alliance."

Everyone looked at him, still not understanding.

Lu Xu: "That's right, we become partners, and everyone is a partner! In the Guanyang Alliance, we are partners with all the people in Guanyang. Let's make money together and live a happy life."

When everyone heard this, they said, "This is good!" "That's what it means!" "Yes, yes, settle down and live a happy life!"

Lu Xu made the decision happily.

He also changed the flag and added a few more blue hydrographies under the original black background and green mountains. "The mountains are you, and the water is the brothers who joined later. This is our trademark."

After the flag was ready, Lu Xu took it and ran to the county government office to see the county magistrate. "Sir, you see, this represents our Guanyang County, which has mountains, rivers, and outstanding people! Under your leadership, everyone is living and working in peace and contentment, and is prosperous." "

He was extremely warm, "Can you take a look and change it for us?"

The county magistrate was dumbfounded by his straightforward flattery, "You go about your business well, why should you ask the county to change it?"

Lu Xu didn't expect the county magistrate to really change it. If it did, wouldn't it be considered a collusion between government and businessmen?

Anyway, he had reported it as a clear sign, and they would do whatever they were supposed to do.

He came out of the county government office carrying the flag, took a sample flag and bought some coarse cloth. He took it back and asked his mother and third aunt to ask the aunt and sister-in-law in the village to make some flags.

Lu Xu laughed at himself. With their little wealth, they could only afford coarse cloth.

On this day, all the grain stored by the boat gang in the county was transported to the grain store and priced at thirty-five cents per catty.

Lu Xu specially went to see the excitement.

Lu Xu: "I heard that Song San's illness is not cured yet."

Tan Shitou: "I think it won't get better."

Thirty-five cents per catty, one hundred and twenty catties per stone. Even if the costs of transportation, storage, and manpower are not taken into account, one stone is only 4,200 cents. In order to grab grain, the boat gangs collected a minimum of 6,000 cents from farmers. Woolen cloth.

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