Chapter 66 Exam starts

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At chen o'clock, the gate of the school grounds opened on time.

The officers and soldiers came out of the school grounds and spread out with weapons in hand. On both sides of the gate of the school grounds, two steps apart, three posts were set up to check the candidates' place of origin documents.

Non-candidates can only be sent outside the first post.

Lu Xu was carrying a basket, and Yan Junqi was carrying a baggage, queuing up outside the post. Some people behind saw Lu Xu holding an umbrella, and some were moved.

But at this time, admission has already begun. Once you enter the queue area, you can only go in and out, and it is too late to buy anymore.

They arrived relatively early, but when it was Yan Junqi's turn, it was already past half-hour, close to eleven o'clock. Lu Xu handed the basket to Yan Junqi and automatically retreated outside without waiting for the officers and soldiers to catch up.

Yan Junqi carried a basket and an umbrella and handed the official document of his place of origin to the inspecting official. After the official inspected it, he asked him a few questions with a sullen face, drew a circle on the document, and let him in.

Yan Junqi walked forward, and the second post checked what he had brought, and asked Yan Junqi to open the baggage. The clothes, blankets, and bedding inside were all shaken open and inspected, not a single gap was missed. Then, his basket, water bottle, and even If there is a small dot on sesame seed cakes, steamed buns, fruits, or apples, they will examine them carefully to see if there is anything stuffed inside.

Lu Xu stood in the crowd seeing him off, standing on tiptoe and watching nervously, for fear that he might accidentally bring something illegal to Yan Junqi.

After checking the food and supplies, Yan Junqi's pencil case was also carefully inspected. The officers and soldiers poked the wooden box with knives to check whether there were any layers. Yan Junqi's new writing brush was also paid close attention to. Finally, it was him That umbrella, every time something was inspected, officers and soldiers asked ferociously, "What is this?" "What is it used for?" "Why do you need to bring this?"

Lu Xu didn't know that the more things he brought, the stricter the inspection would be. The big basket he prepared for Yan Junqi received special attention. Whenever Yan Junqi shows any signs of guilt, his belongings may be inspected two or three times. If the officers and soldiers are really suspicious, their belongings may be thrown out.

But Yan Junqi had a good attitude, a well-behaved face, and was young. After the officers and soldiers completed routine inspections, they didn't make it too difficult for him.

After the inspection was finally completed, two moments had passed, and the people in line behind him were so nervous that they were trembling.

After the second inspection, the officers and soldiers stuffed his things into the basket, and the officers and soldiers carried them. Yan Junqi was not allowed to touch them, and they took him in for the next inspection.

At the third step, they were going to enter the room for a body search, and they might even have to strip down for a search. Yan Junqi stepped into the school gate and turned back to look at the crowd. He saw Lu Xu standing at the front of the crowd, waving to him vigorously.

Yan Junqi smiled at him and said silently: "I'm in."

Lu Xu clenched his fist and shook his fist, "Come on Jun Qi! I'll wait for you outside!"

Yan Junqi nodded quickly to him.

Soon, Yan Junqi disappeared. Lu Xu slowly retracted his hand and stood on tiptoe among the crowd to look into the yard.

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