Chapter 35 Wrestling

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After the rain, the mountain road was muddy and more difficult to walk than usual. There were small water puddles everywhere on the road. The stones and weeds were wet and slippery. Lu Xu's shoes were soaked. After walking a few steps, a puddle of water would come out of his shoes.

He walked in front to explore the road, while Yan Junqi pushed the cart behind.

"Be careful of puddles and stones," Lu Xu dodged the puddles and reminded Yan Junqi: "Did you see that mulberry tree in front of you? That's where I was - oh, shit!"

Before he finished speaking, the sole of his foot slipped and he squatted on the ground. By coincidence, there was a protruding rock where he fell, which hit his tailbone. Lu Xu almost cried in pain.

Yan Junqi quickly put down the stroller to help him, but Lu Xu didn't get up for several times. He changed his position, put his hand on the ground and the baby climbed two steps, grabbed the tree trunk by the road and stood up, shook off the yellow mud on his hand, and helped him Shrugging and wailing, "My ass..."

"Is it okay?" Yan Junqi helped him and bent down to look at the place where he was holding him worriedly. Unexpectedly, he saw that Lu Xu's pants were covered with yellow mud, and the shape of his buttocks was also revealed. The round mud marks had the marks he had just made. Yan Junqi couldn't help but burst into laughter when he pressed the mud fingerprints.

Lu Xu became angry from embarrassment, "You're laughing your ass off."

Yan Junqi burst into laughter.

Lu Xu limped away with a stinky face, holding on to the tree and rock wall. It was so embarrassing.

Yan Junqi suppressed laughter, adjusted his breathing, and followed up: "I'll help you."

Lu Xu: "No, you go and push the cart."

He said proudly, not paying attention when he stepped on the grass blades. When the yellow mud on the soles of his feet met the smooth grass blades, he almost fell down for the second time.

Lu Xu was like a child on the ice for the first time, his feet were slipping and his limbs were flailing. When he saw Yan Junqi, he was like a life-saving straw and quickly grabbed it. The muscles near the tail vertebra were pulled again, and Lu Xu was so painful that he even shuddered while breathing.

He no longer refused Yan Junqi's support, and focused entirely on his butt.

Yan Junqi lowered his head and tightened his lips, supporting him and walking slowly.

Lu Xu was not angry: "If you want to laugh, just laugh!!"

Anyway, his face was disgraced, and his image as a big brother was completely gone.

Yan Junqi smiled sullenly and helped him save his respect, "The road is too slippery. It's better not to walk on mountain roads when it rains in the future. It's too dangerous."

Lu Xu groaned in a deep voice, cursing Song Liuhe and the eighteen generations of ancestors of the boat gang in his heart.

His butt must be swollen!

Fortunately, it was not far from the village. Yan Junqi helped him walk for a while, then went back to push the cart, helped him walk for a while, and then went back to push the cart...

Just walking and walking like this, we arrived at Lujia Village.

Lu Xu had sharp eyes, "Lu Zhou?!"

Lu Zhou, who was wandering at the intersection, responded loudly and ran towards them.

Lu Xu shouted quickly: "Slow down, be careful! You are reckless, be careful..."

Yan Junqi lowered his eyes to look at the half-dried mud mark on Lu Xu's butt. The shape was still there... He thought about Lu Xu's big brother's dignity, and raised his hand to wipe it off for him.

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