Chapter 137 Entering Shuozhou

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While Lu Xu complained in his heart that Guanyang people were simple and kind, he first introduced himself: "Let me introduce myself first. I am Lu Xu, a Guanyang person. This time I am here to open up a road from Guanyang County to Yonggu." The trade road in the north of Qianjiao Mountain in the county will facilitate future business. I invite you all because I hope that everyone who has the money and strength to contribute will build the trade road together."

As he spoke, he observed the reactions of the three waves of people present.

Luo Chun and Liang Shanbao sat on either side of him to support him. As important participants at the beginning and end of the trade route, he was the only one who followed his lead. No matter what Lu Xu said, they listened carefully and gave face to him.

Chen Lian and Wu Gang were sitting on one side, holding knives and remaining silent. Not far behind them, He Chengye was drinking tea at another campfire. Although he nominally stayed out of the matter and did not participate, at this distance where Lu Xu could just hear him, He didn't really treat him as an outsider.

On the other side, there are ten bandit representatives.

They were the most nervous and unexpected. They looked at Chen Lian and the others warily and fearfully, and at Lu Xu warily.

Lu Xu lamented.

What kind of partners are these?

"As for the trade route, I only have a preliminary idea at the moment. The future is promising, but we have to be down-to-earth and take it step by step..."

No matter what Lu Xu said, everyone still had no response, which made Lu Xu unable to even draw the pie and was very frustrated.

Lu Xu couldn't help but think in amusement: This is indeed a group of partners who have no interest in his grand plan at all!

He was too lazy to tell them his plan. He would just take it one step at a time when he got to Shuozhou!

Lu Xu stopped talking and asked loudly: "This is my first time coming to Shuozhou. From Chongning to Yonggu County, are there any brothers who are familiar with the road conditions?"

No one answered.

Lu Xu had to ask loudly: "Is there anyone willing to be a guide?! Guide! Lead the way!!"

Lu Xu wanted to call it quits, but suddenly someone said anxiously: "I only know the way to Baoshan County, can I take you to Baoshan?"

Fort Mountain?

Lu Xu thought about the map silently. Isn't that the second county he will visit after entering Shuozhou?

"Okay!" Someone finally responded, and Lu Xu immediately responded with great enthusiasm, "How do we leave?"

The two people in Baoshan County looked at each other and asked Lu Xu in a low voice: "Are you going to the county seat, or are you going directly north without the county seat?"

The two of them seemed to be hiding from the teacher in class and whispering, causing Lu Xu to subconsciously cooperate with them in a low voice: "Isn't it the same road?"

"If you want to go to the county seat, take the official road. If you go directly north, we know a shortcut that will save you about three days."

"Yeah, almost." Another person said.

Lu Xu asked: "Do you want to climb the mountain?"

"Our Baoshan County is full of short mountains."

Lu Xu asked: "Can you draw it and show it to me?"

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