Chapter 117 School Uniform

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The chubby boy Miao Hongyin wore the clothes of the academy, and the publicity effect was outstanding. It instantly killed the entire street in Luzhou. Children who had not paid attention to clothes before also noticed it.

Especially for someone who was about the same size as him, I immediately realized that Miao Hongyin was trying to wear thick shoes!

The few who played well with him even asked for the price. They heard that a suit of clothes only cost three taels, and they were all surprised and excited. Isn't this their pocket money?

Is it really that cheap?

Miao Hongyin: "What did I lie to you about? If you don't believe me, ask Lu Zhou."

They ran to ask Lu Zhou again.

Lu Zhou nodded: "Yes, it's three taels. If it's a small size, it can be cheaper."

Now the little carrot heads were all shocked. Why do their mothers, sisters, aunts, and aunts always say that making clothes is a big expense and expensive? Is it so cheap to make clothes? !

"Do you want to buy it or not?"


It’s just Chinese New Year, who doesn’t have pocket money!

Even at noon, several brave people followed Lu Zhou to his shop to look at clothes.

Yan Junqi came out of the inner courtyard at noon and arrived at the hanging flower gate connecting the outer courtyard. He saw Lu Zhou surrounded by a group of children holding the moon in their hands.

When I asked, they all wanted to buy clothes.

He smiled and led them to the shop.

The ready-made clothing store is not far away, just a few steps out of the academy. Children are chattering, and some people are asking how much Yan Junqi's clothes cost.

Yan Junqi said: "My body is made of expensive materials, so my clothes are also expensive."

Miao Hongyin asked: "Then why doesn't Lu Zhou wear expensive clothes?"

Lu Zhou: "Because I still have to grow taller, I won't be able to wear this year's clothes next year. Wearing something too good is a waste."

Miao Hongyin: "Isn't the handsome face not long enough?"

Lu Zhou: "Brother Jun Qi's remaining clothes, Wen Zhen, can be worn by his younger brother even when he grows up."

Yan Junqi added: "My clothes are from the store. After trying them on, I have to take them off and return them to the store. However, if the good clothes cannot be worn, they can also be sold for others to wear."

These kids from rich families have their mouths wide open, how can they do this! !

When they arrived at Lu Ji's clothing store, they saw Lu Rui, Wen Zhen and Lu Xu who happened to be here for dinner. They all thought about Lu Xu's outfit, Yan Junqi's outfit, Lu Zhou's outfit, and Lu Zhou's outfit. , Wen Zhen finished the relay trip wearing the clothes worn by Lu Rui.

One piece of clothing can be worn by so many people!

Lu Xu heard that these children were all here to buy clothes. He was not as frightened as Yuan Manniang and Yan's mother, nor was he at all panicked. He first picked out those who were about the same height and build as Lu Zhou and asked them to bring them to the store. The existing items were put into the fitting room, and the other children were asked to find seats and asked if they had eaten.

He picked up a basket of red bean paste cakes from the food shop and gave them to share.

They had been in class for a long time and were already hungry. After being reserved for a while, they could no longer resist Lu Xu's enthusiasm and shyly took the bean paste cakes and ate them.

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