Chapter 67 Do it yourself

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Autumn is the season for making winter clothes, but the cotton has not been confiscated yet, and the furs have just begun to arrive, so there are not many choices.

Lu Xu looked at it and saw that most of them were still in stock. Lu Xu couldn't afford expensive products like fox fur and mink fur. The most common furs that civilians could buy were sheepskin and rabbit skin. Whole sheepskins were rarer, and rabbit skins were more rare. Lu Xu is too expensive.

They were also close to the mountains when they were watching the sun, and there were people hunting in the nearby villages. The processed rabbit skins were one-fifth to one-fourth cheaper than those in the state capital, so he wouldn't buy them.

Here we are, Lu Xu wanders around the leather goods market, and actually sees leather boots and shoes, as well as leather jackets that look very avant-garde.

These things were luxuries that he couldn't afford, so he could only wander around and look around.

Lu Xu went to the cloth shop, and it was customary to go in and ask about the price. Cloths of the same quality in Zhoufu were more expensive than those in Guanyang, but the dyeing techniques seemed to be different, and the colors were richer than those in Guanyang.

There is no way to travel without buying souvenirs. Lu Xu picked up bright colors that Guanyang had never seen before and bought enough cloth to make two sets of clothes for the female family members.

As for the boys – wouldn’t stain-resistant blue and gray cloth be practical? Just wear it!

While Lu Xu was eating and shopping, his worthless brothers were trying to make money.

The boat of their Guanyang Alliance passes by Lujia Village every day. Tan Shitou will still cast and collect the nets with the fishing boats in the morning and evening. Lu Wen watches the boats coming and going. He has nothing to do, so he wants to go to the county town to sell fried dough sticks. Come.

He ran home and asked his mother to help him fry fried dough sticks. Many days have passed, and his parents have gradually come out of the shadow of his brother's departure. His father will still be dejected alone from time to time, upset that he could not go for his brother. Neither of the couple felt good, and they had nowhere to vent. They had no choice but to vent all their grievances into the fields, and they worked harder than usual.

Lu Wen looked at it and felt that this was not going to work. When the autumn harvest came and his parents were still sick, he had to save money quickly to buy cattle.

He pestered his mother to fry fried dough sticks, but the third aunt was not at ease with him.

"Are you going to sell? How old are you?"

"I will go to the place where my elder brother usually sets up a stall. I know all his friends and they will all help me."

The third aunt was worried, "The flower girl kidnapped you, where will your father and I find you?"

Lu Wen: "There are officers and soldiers patrolling Guanyang Street every day, so how can there be any people taking pictures? I got on the boat from the river in our village, and there was someone accompanying me all the way when I got off the boat. I came back after the sale, and I didn't wander around. "

Seeing that his mother was a little shaken, Lu Wen kept up his efforts, "When my eldest brother goes to the state capital for more than ten days, and on those days when I am not allowed to spend money, I will sell fried dough sticks to earn a little bit."

The third aunt asked: "Can you settle the account?"

Lu Wen: "Nowadays, a piece of fried dough sticks costs ten cents. At worst, you can only count the money once you sell one. There are countless things."

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