Chapter 191 Jialin City

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The sky was overcast and it had been raining for two days with no sign of stopping.

Lu Xu ran in the city till dark, and finally found a family willing to let them stay.

Heavy rain caused flash floods and destroyed the stone bridges in Jialin City. The Jialin Yamen closed the road. Whether it was common people passing by, merchants, or scholars rushing to take exams, they were all blocked in the city, and all the inns in the city were full. .

The next day, Lu Xu and Yan Jun both went to the stone bridge to see where many anxious pedestrians had gathered.

This is the shortest way to Beijing from the eastern counties, and those who are in a hurry are extremely anxious.

"Can't we just live like this?"

"If you're not afraid of death, go up and try."

"Can't it be fixed?"

The official scolded angrily: "It's raining so heavily and the water is so fast. How can we repair it?! It won't stop raining, and I won't repair it even if the King of Heaven comes!"

"It's just a small gap. Can't we just put a wooden board over it?"

The officer chuckled twice and said the same thing: "Who is not afraid of death? I won't stop you."

The person who asked the question looked at the rushing river and shut up decisively.

Someone discussed taking a detour downstream.

But Jialin City is already the narrowest place on the river. Only here you can cross the river by the stone bridge. If you go anywhere else, you can only wait for the ferry.

With such heavy rain, there may be flash floods not only in Jialin City, but also the downstream ferry may not be able to pass.

Someone asked: "Sir, if the rain stops, how many days will it take to repair it?"

"It can take three to five days as quickly as possible, or one or two months as slow as one or two months. It depends on whether the bridge is severely damaged or not."

"A month or two?!"

Official: "If the bridge cannot be repaired in a short time, we will build a suspension bridge next to it for you to cross."

Everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But the driver's face didn't look good at all.

The suspension bridge can pass pedestrians, but not cars!

Everyone returned to the city in despair, hoping that the rain would stop soon.

Yan Junqi was also worried, "With such heavy autumn rain, next year's harvest..."

Lu Xu: "I see that the autumn harvest has been completed here. Even the winter wheat is soaked in the ground. It's not too late to plant some miscellaneous grains next spring."

He looked up at the sky, "I wonder if it's raining now in Guanyang."

Yan Junqi: "Guanyang's waterways are well developed. As long as there are no heavy rains for several days, there will be time to discharge the accumulated water in the fields into the rivers."

Lu Xu nodded: "Well, it's been more than a month since we came out. The rain here can't drift to Guanyang for the time being. Let's just wait for the rain to stop."


But God was not kind to them. They slept until midnight and heard the rapid sound of gongs and drums in the city.

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