Chapter 74 Younger Brothers and Sisters

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This was a serious matter. Lu Xu called Lu Zhou home to ask carefully what his silly brother was thinking.

Comparing his feelings, Lu Xu thought that Lu Zhou's idea was a bit stupid.

In this era, there is no need to compete for jobs in companies, and there is no need to strive for diplomas and academic qualifications. After he works hard for a while, the business of the shop is stable, and he saves more money, he can open a restaurant. Once the restaurant is opened, he can train a few chefs, and then he will be able to open a restaurant. You can run your business steadily, earn money to buy land, and become a prosperous small landowner in Guanyang.

At that time, if his younger brothers and sisters are willing to do business, if they are not willing, they can just inherit the family business and wait for the land to be divided.

Although Guanyang is not a wealthy place, it has mountains and rivers and simple folk customs. Wouldn't it be good to be a small landowner? Why do you have to make yourself miserable?

Anyway, Lu Xu didn't like to go. His student life was neither dark nor very happy. In retrospect, it can be roughly summarized as: he couldn't read the books, he couldn't answer the questions, the teacher didn't like him, and his classmates didn't want to see him.

His father insisted on putting him in a key class, but he simply couldn't keep up. He listened to scriptures in class and was in a daze or falling asleep. By the time he wanted to learn, he couldn't catch up even though he tried hard. Even though he studied day and night during the last half of his senior year in high school, he was still not good at it.

Anyway, Lu Xu still has nightmares when it comes to reading exams.

At this time, the scientific examination was more difficult than his college entrance examination. Looking at the college examination, it was simply a disaster.

Lu Xu really couldn't understand how anyone could want to jump into such a big trap.

He looked at his silly brother with mixed emotions, "You want to study? Go to the county school to study?"

Lu Zhou nodded and said "yes" solemnly.

Lu Xu: "Why?"

Lu Zhou lowered his head and said nothing, and muttered with some embarrassment: "I want to be a civil servant."

Lu Xu sighed and persuaded patiently, "Is that what you want to be? Do you know how difficult it is to pass the exam?"

Lu Zhou was silent.

Lu Xu was good at tempting, "What's the good of being a civil servant? Our family has no power or influence. If you are admitted to Jinshi, if you are not the top scholar, you can be a small county official, but you can't be in your hometown. You want to leave your hometown and leave behind Us?"

Lu Zhou: "I'm not!"

Lu Xu: "Even if our family moves wherever you go, we may not be able to see our grandparents, third uncle and fourth uncle, Lu Wen, Lu Xuan and the others for many years."

Lu Zhou was stunned.

He didn't know there was any of this.

Lu Xu touched his head and said, "Most people become officials just to earn money for food. These brothers can make money. You don't need to cross that single-plank bridge. If you want to read and write, my brother can teach you slowly. In the future Ask your husband to teach you, and forget about taking the exam."

Lu Zhou pursed his lips and said nothing, his face full of struggle.

Lu Xu thought he had convinced him, but Lu Zhou thought for a while, then came to him again and said again: "Brother, I want to take the imperial examination."

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