Chapter 197 New Friends

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Lu Zhou subconsciously said: "I remember."

As he spoke, he swallowed the dried meat, turned the book to the front and showed it to the other party.

The young man took a closer look and found that he had really remembered it.

The quarrel in the distance was about those few words. Lu Zhou listened for a long time and remembered all that should be remembered. They couldn't come up with anything new. The more they listened, the more boring they became. That's when they started to draw.

The young man looked at his little book with interest, and then turned his attention to the small bag on his knee.

Seeing this, Lu Zhou raised the snack bag and asked him if he wanted to try it.

The young man looked inside with bright eyes. There were dried meat, preserved fruits, raisins, and a few pieces of candy through oil paper.

A little greedy.

Lu Zhou saw this and asked him to pick.

Young man: "Then I'm welcome."

The servant behind him quickly stopped him, "Sir, you are not allowed to eat outside at home."

Young man: "No problem, we met by chance, and he didn't recognize me."

Another middle-aged man behind him said: "How about I try it first."

The young man looked at Lu Zhou, and Lu Zhou was confused. But these days, he had also met many children of noble families. He knew that they were very particular, so he didn't mind. He said generously: "Please."

The middle-aged man smiled at him and took out a piece of dried meat from the bag, "Beef?"

Lu Zhou nodded happily, "Yes!"

Not many people can taste beef immediately.

The young man was also curious, "Uncle, let me try it!"

The middle-aged man handed him a piece.

The boy took one bite, but didn't break it. He rubbed and grinded it again and again, but didn't break it. The piece he took was quite long. He was embarrassed to hold up half a piece of beef and gnaw it in public. He stuffed the whole piece into his mouth with his cheeks. All bulging.

He was about to get angry because of this indecent eating behavior, but he saw that Lu Zhou didn't look at him at all, but held up the snack and asked the servant behind him if he wanted to eat.

The servant thanked him quickly.

The middle-aged man asked Lu Zhou's notebook to look through it, and asked casually: "What do you think of selling an official position?"

"Uh..." The first reaction in Lu Zhou's mind was what he said to his brother when he opened his mouth last night -

"Can such an idiot become an official?"

Of course, there was also his brother’s subsequent addition——

"Then it seems that Daqi's reliable officials are very capable. With such an idiot as a teammate, Daqi can stay in order."

Of course, Lu Zhou would never tell this to a stranger. He shook his head, "I don't know whether this is true or not, so I can't talk nonsense."

The young man on the side said vaguely: "It's true! It's true!"

He also added more exciting details - yesterday morning, the Ministry of War asked for money to pay salaries, the Ministry of Works asked for money to build embankments, and the Ministry of Household Affairs routinely complained about poverty. A bloody nozzle.

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