Chapter 174 Chen Cha

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When he saw Zhang Pian again at the Xiaoqi military camp, Lu Xu felt a little lucky again, thanks to the three big meat buns he had packed with him. Zhang Pian's soup is clear and watery, with two coarse-grain steamed buns, a bowl of wild vegetable soup, one meat and one vegetarian. The vegetarian one is cabbage stewed with tofu. I guess what he eats is no different from ordinary soldiers of the Knight Cavalry. The only special treatment is probably the few slices of meat.

Zhang Pian didn't know that he would come hungry, and he didn't prepare any food for him before. When he arrived, he generously invited Lu Xu to eat with him.

Lu Xu quickly refused. It was just such a small amount. How could he give Zhang Pian half of it?

Will the Knights think that he wants to starve their Lord Zhang to death?

Zhang Pian: "But you're not used to eating these? I'll ask them to cook whatever you like. We have a small kitchen in the General's Mansion."

Lu Xu smiled.

Zhang Pian eats in a big pot, but he eats in a small kitchen?

Lu Xuxu guessed that the small kitchen in the General's Mansion was probably similar to the good tea that the soldier who served him tea said, and it was reserved specifically for honoring guests.

Lu Xu thought that he, a commoner and a small businessman, was not a distinguished guest and was not worthy of the small kitchen of the general's mansion.

But he really didn't expect Zhang Pian to eat so plainly. The Northern Frontier Army, which was under difficult conditions, could still put out a table of meat for him.

Lu Xu: "I ate three big meat buns before coming here. I'm not hungry at all now, but I'm just a little thirsty. I wonder if I can ask Mr. Zhang for a bowl of water."

Zhang Pian smiled and asked someone to prepare tea.

When the tea was brought, Lu Xu was not polite. He drank three glasses of it just like a cow.

He is really thirsty.

I didn't drink much water all day, I ate three big buns, and I almost choked to death.

Zhang Pian finished his meal quickly and gracefully, asked others to remove the bowls and chopsticks, and drank tea with Lu Xu, "How do you like this tea?"

Lu Xu: "Uh... it should be good tea, but I was born in a poor family and have never tasted any good tea. I can't taste it, and it's a waste of the adults' tea."

Zhang Pian smiled and said: "How can drinking it into your stomach be considered a waste?"

He pointed at the teapot, "I exchanged this for the general for the good tea you sent. Speaking of it, the grade is not as good as the tea you sent. However, this is what the general brought with him from Beijing before he came to Shuozhou." Come on, besides entertaining guests, the general is not willing to drink."

Although he understood that this was Zhang Pian's expression that he valued him, and seemed to be telling him that he had already heard about General Xiaoqi, Lu Xu's first reaction was still: Chen Cha!

How many years has it been since Zhang Chang came to Shuozhou? Can he still drink this tea?

He was so confused that he couldn't control his expression for a while. When he came to his senses, he quickly put away his disdain and said to himself: "The tea that the general brought from Beijing is naturally incomparable to ordinary tea. This tea, it's stained The nobility of the capital, the bravery of the general, when you drink..."

Zhang Pian then asked: "It smells like old tea?"


Lu Xu thought to himself, this is what you said, I didn't say anything!

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