Chapter 33

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Early the next morning, Lu Xu and Yan Junqi went to Guanyang County with the fan embroidery pieces newly embroidered by Yuan Maniang and Yan's mother, and the books newly copied by Yan Junqi.

They just thought that Yan Junqi wanted to buy pens, ink, paper and inkstones. Yan's mother was quite happy that Yan Junqi was going out for a walk, and Yuan Manniang was also happy that Lu Xu had someone to keep company with.

Life at home is simple, with food and clothing, and healthy children. The price of goods and money has nothing to do with them. Yuan Manniang, who has always been prone to crying, also heard Lu Xu nagging a few words about the value of money. She only asked a few words worriedly: " Can you still afford salt?" "Can you still afford oil and cloth?" After getting Lu Xu's affirmative answer, Yuan Manniang had nothing to worry about.

Isn’t this great!

As for white flour, meat, eggs, etc., they are not things that should be eaten often.

She has lived for twenty-five years, and she has not eaten more white flour and meat than these two months combined. She just thinks of it as a long New Year, and the festival is over, and she spends her days how she wants.

Lu Xu said he wanted to open up wasteland, so Yuan Manniang packed up the hoe and got ready to work.

She has already thought about the place, and it is next to the barren field of the third aunt's house. In the future, the sisters-in-law and sisters-in-law will go to the field together and they can be companions. Mother Yan was also moved. The price of food has risen so much that their family has to worry about how to eat. Planting some millet, barnyard millet, and buckwheat can satisfy their hunger. If they can't grow these, it is good to grow some hemp weaving or vegetables.

The season was getting late, and if we didn't hurry up, we would have to plant buckwheat. Yuan Manniang asked Lu Xu to buy good things and come back early, so that Lu Yue could take good care of Lu Rui, and go to open up wasteland with the hoe together with Yan's mother.

Lu Xu responded hummingly, her eyes couldn't help but glance at the article Yan Junqi put on her chest, feeling guilty about doing bad things without telling her parents.

Yan Junqi was much calmer, with no strange color on his face. He calmly told Wen Zhen not to run around and to help La Yue take care of his younger brother.

Three-year-old Yan Wenzhen has to help five-year-old Lu Yue and take care of one-year-old Lu Rui.

Lu Xu had infinite sympathy for his sister. Children of poor people have long been in charge. His precious sister is only five years old, and she has to play with two little carrot heads!

He tugged at Layue's pigtail, "Brother came back and cooked something delicious for you."

Layue nodded obediently.

As for Lu Zhou, the yard was full of housework early in the morning, and Lu Xu was worried. He grew a little taller in the twelfth lunar month, but Lu Zhou was still that short.

Lu Xu: "Do you want to bring anything?"

Lu Zhou collected his clothes with a sullen face.

It's rainy and humid right now, and there are a lot of mosquitoes, so you need to take out your autumn and winter clothes to dry. Every year, Yuan Manniang sews old cloth with plant ash into mats. The finished plant ash mat is placed at the bottom of the wardrobe to prevent moisture and insects.

At this moment, all Lu Zhou collected were dry winter clothes and old cloth.

He was stunned for a while when he heard the words, and did not realize that Lu Xu was asking him.

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