Chapter 51 Recruitment

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The continuous rain continued, and the rain lightened up a little, so the third aunt came to ask Lu Xu anxiously whether he would fry fried dough sticks today. As soon as he entered Lu Xu's yard, she was choked by the thick smoke and could only cough.

"Xuwa, cough, stop burning!"

When it rains, it often rains harder in the mountains than in the mountains. The streams swell and are not as clear as before. It has been raining for the past few days, and the creek has turned into a river, with mud and sand falling down, making the water undrinkable. Every household in the village moved water jars and cans into the yard to catch the rainwater, but Lu Xuchong was very particular about burning them before drinking.

Their family used to use firewood quickly, but the rain hadn't stopped and the dry firewood had been used up first. They had to use wet firewood to burn, which filled the yard with smoke.

The third aunt went straight into the kitchen, picked up half-wet firewood and leaned against the stove to bake it. "I'll call Xiaohui to bring you some dry firewood later."

Lu Xu: "Okay."

Third Aunt: "I see the rain has lightened up. Is your friend coming over today?"

Lu Xu: "I don't know. I'll go to the river to have a look."

Third Aunt: "Hey, let's not make fried dough sticks today?"

Lu Xu thought for a while: "Let's not do it now."

Third Aunt: "Okay, I'll talk to your mother."

Lu Xu: "Okay."

Yuan Maniang was frightened by Huang Hu two days ago, and she didn't dare to go out these two days. Lu Xu didn't go out much either. He could still strengthen Yuan Maniang's courage at home. When the third aunt came, he gave two instructions and held an umbrella to go to the river to have a look.

Yuan Manniang and her third aunt were sitting by the door embroidering. Seeing Lu Xu going out holding an old umbrella, she asked him, "Xu'er, aren't you bringing a new umbrella?"

Lu Xu waved his hand, "It's not raining heavily!"

The old umbrella was broken and leaked when it rained. Lu Xu used the water-pink oil-paper umbrella he bought for Yuan Manniang at home. It was okay to tease Twelfth Moon at home. He dared to ask shamelessly whether Twelfth Moon was handsome or beautiful. He holds a pink umbrella when he goes out, but it affects his majestic temperament.

Even the little girls in the village don't hold flower umbrellas, how can he be more delicate than the little girls?

Many people gathered by the river. It had rained heavily for several days, and the water in the fields also poured into the river. The stones Lu Xu had placed by the river were submerged. Li was leading people to patrol the river to discuss whether to dig soil for repairs. Dike to prevent water from flooding into the village.

Several old people in the village gathered together and looked up at the clouds. "The clouds are thinning. I think the rain will stop soon."

"The clouds cleared the day before yesterday, and a gust of wind brought another dark cloud."

"Be careful at night."

"If that doesn't work, let's do night patrol."

"You have to watch at night."

Li Zheng saw Lu Xu and asked, "Xuwa, have you been to the county in the past two days?"

Lu Xu: "No. Did you see the boat this morning?"

Li Zheng: "No."

The rain has lightened up, and boats can already be sailed on the river. According to the temper of the Qiu brothers, with such a little rain, they should have fished for work. Why is there no boat?

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