Chapter 184 Rote Memorization

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When Lu Xu was on his way with the grain merchant, the Xiaoqi army had been hunting rabbits in Dengzhou Mountain for two days.

The bandits hiding in the mountains of Dengzhou fled away. I don't know how a poor place like them provoked these crazy soldiers.

It's a good road, but I haven't entered the city, and I haven't trained yet. What's the point of running around in the mountains in the middle of winter?

The bandits who had been hiding there for many years immediately packed up their bags and ran away in the dark to work as part-time workers in the county to build the city wall.

If Lu Xu hadn't informed him in advance, the Menliang bandit who ran the tea shed in Guandao would have almost escaped.

Lu Xu hadn't arrived yet, so the Qiaoqi army could only wait. They didn't bring much food, so they might as well follow the example of these bandits and catch rabbits in the mountains.

They also watched how the Menliang bandits set up a tea tent. Later, they were bored and came up to help.

The Menliang bandits reciprocated by providing them with fire and water every day. They also used the seasonings Lu Xu left for them to open a restaurant in the future to help the Xiaoqijun roast rabbits.

Xiaoqijun discovered that these bandits were not good at building houses, but they were good at roasting rabbits, and they had a lot of seasonings.

It happened that they didn't bring a cook with them on this trip, so they had a tacit understanding of the division of labor. The cavalry army hunted rabbits all over the mountain, and the bandits in Menliang took care of it.

When Lu Xu and the others arrived, the Xiaoqijun had built a large yard for them - the Xiaoqijun camped in the yard at night.

Lu Xu took the small grain merchants in Guanyang who wanted to do business with the Xiaoqi Army to see the grain officer. Seeing that they were all dressed in military uniforms, the small grain merchants were all trembling with fear that they would be dragged out and stabbed if they said something wrong.

In this barren mountain and wilderness, killing them would only be a matter of burying them.

The grain officer did not look down on small grain merchants like them. He first stated that he would get credit first and then pay after the imperial court issued military pay.

The small grain merchants originally planned to follow Lu Xu's example of using grain as a stepping stone, so they tremblingly asked them if they could sell grain to Shuozhou, not only to the Xiaoqi Army, but also to civilians.

The grain officer naturally agreed.

They are not the only ones who are short of food in Shuozhou, "But you have to prepare the paperwork yourself."

Although merchants are free, they must report clearly to the government in advance where they want to trade. It is not enough to just report it at their place of origin. When they arrive at the destination, they must obtain permission from the government of the destination before they can do business there.

But generally no government will refuse. Daqi business tax is not low.

Small grain merchants repeatedly said yes.

When it came time to negotiate the price, they didn't dare to resist when the Xiaoqi Army grain officer lowered the price, but Lu Xu couldn't stand it and raised the price for them to ensure they made a small profit.

"Sir, you can't fish for nothing. The price is the purchase price plus tolls. If next year's bad weather and food prices rise, they may have to lose money. How can a business that loses money last long? If you defeat them, you will only We can deal with big grain merchants. Those big grain merchants with backing and background are not as easy to talk to as us."

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