Chapter 179 Concentric knot

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Lu Xu squeezed his way to the crowd. When people nearby saw his strange behavior, they also discovered Yuan Manniang and the others.

Everyone kindly gave up their place and allowed their family to reunite.

Lu Xu took Lu Rui first, pressed his soft little face to him and kissed him affectionately, "Will you still remember me now?"

Lu Rui shouted angrily: "Brother!"

Lu Xu gave him a big kiss.

"I'm back."

"Just come back." Yuan Manniang picked up Lu Rui, "Why don't you go home and rest first?"

Lu Xu: "We have to send the sheep back to the village first."

He touched Lu Zhou's head again, bent down and picked up Lu Xue, "Has our little December sunken?"

Lu Yue: "Lu Yue is tall!"

Lu Xu: "It's indeed tall!"

Lu Xu put down La Yue and picked up Wen Zhen next, "Wen Zhen has grown taller too."

Wen Zhen laughed.

Lu Xu put down Wen Zhen and looked at Xiao Xia and Han Lu who had not come over in the alley, "What's wrong?"

They both shook their heads, and Xiao Xia asked happily: "Brother, are you hungry? I'll cook for you."

Han Lu said: "Brother, please send the sheep and dogs first, Xiao Xia is afraid."

Lu Xu smiled, he was also scared when he looked at the cold dew.

Lu Xu said hello to Yan's mother again, and finally looked at Yan Junqi.

There was a subtle embarrassment between them.

never had.

Social cows like Lu Xu don’t know what to do.

He wanted an answer along the way, but even though he was so close, he was afraid of knowing the answer.

Lu Zhou and La Yue both looked up at him strangely.

Lu Xu said hello bravely to hide his timidity, and said cheerfully as usual: "I'm back!"

Yan Junqi smiled and said "hmm", then opened his arms.

Lu Xu was startled, walked over with a smile, and gave him a big hug as he did before returning from separation.

It is not as weighty as before, but it is also closer than before.

Yan Junqi's bones hurt from being strangled by his arms.

We haven’t seen each other for a few days. Not only are the younger siblings growing taller, but Lu Xu has also been changing, becoming stronger, more powerful, and more mature.

Quietly, they are all changing and growing up.

Yan Junqi put his arms around his back and patted him on the back, "Welcome back."

Lu Xu let go of him, and his expression returned to its original cheerfulness, with a hint of embarrassment in it. He avoided Yan Junqi's gaze and said, "Ahem, I brought you a gift, wait a minute!"

With that said, he hurried towards the convoy again.

Several people called him hurriedly, but no one called him back. Lu Xu ran away happily like a little girl.

When Lu Xu came back, they had retreated to the depths of the alley. Lu Zhou, La Yue, and Wen Zhen took Lu Rui to draw a grid on the ground and play hopscotch. Yuan Maniang and Yan Mu were missing. Han Lu and Xiao Xia stood aside to watch a few people. Xiao Wan, Yan Junqi stood on the other side, not knowing what he was thinking.

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