Chapter 82 is back

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Gouzi fell into a coma in the hospital for two days, dreaming of strange dreams. He didn’t know why, but he had made some mistake. His father was holding a stick and wanted to beat him. As he ran, he looked back and saw that his father was limping. They were chasing him all over the road. His wife and his mother were shouting "Run, dog!" and his father was about to catch up with him. He was so anxious that he ran as hard as he could, but he couldn't run fast no matter what. Dad grabbed him by the collar, and the dog woke up with a startle. When he opened his eyes, his buttocks seemed to hurt.

His head was numb and it hurt when he moved. He looked at the ceiling. It was not the blackened earth walls of his house, but a clean house painted with white dust.

Where is this?

Gouzi felt that someone was holding his hand and wiping his palm. It was a little itchy. He moved his fingers and looked down. It was his father!

Gouzi suddenly became frightened and retracted his hand, only to touch his father's calloused palm.

Gouzi Daddy threw away his handkerchief and came over, saying in surprise: "Wake up! Wake up!"

He stood up limping like in a dream, and shouted as he walked: "Ayue, call the doctor, the dog is awake!"

The dog's mouth and throat were dry, and he could not speak. He only made a dry whine. His father brought a bowl of water to him, supported him and gave him water to drink.

In my memory, only when he was very young would his father feed him like this when he was sick.

Gouzi watched while drinking water. He had never noticed before that his father's hair was so white. He remembered that his father was still chasing him all over the street and beating him. His spine was not as straight as before.


"Still drinking?"

"No more drinking."

Gouzi Daddy put down the bowl and wiped his tears, but the tears grew more and more.

Gouzi was a little surprised, a little surprised, and then guilt rolled in like a tide, clogging his chest, and tears fell uncontrollably.

He remembered that in the dream his father chased him and beat him because he was playing with the skinny monkey by the well and sliding down by the well rope. The adults thought he fell into the well, so his father shook him up and carried his clothes. Just hit the collar...

Yueniang dragged the doctor in and hurried in. Seeing that Gouzi was really awake, she ran to the window and plopped down on her knees, holding his hand and crying.

She remembered that someone called her two days ago. She ran to the hospital and saw his head covered in blood and his pale face. She uncontrollably thought of her parents who had died long ago.

The dog girl also hurried in on her hind legs, anxious and happy, and kept slapping his legs, "You scared me to death! How can we live without you!"

Gouzi grabbed Yueniang's hand and tried his best to smile at them. His relatives, how could he let them go...

In early October, seven or eight days later than expected, many people were already anxious and came from villages and towns to watch the sun and gaze at the two city gates in eager anticipation.

Those in the county whose families had many children and grandchildren going to join the army sat at the gate of the city and waited every day.

It's already getting cold, and the old people who don't have to work are waiting at the city gate before dawn, carrying bowls of hot soup and wearing thin coats. The slightest movement can startle their fragile nerves.

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