Chapter 85 Go home!

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Lu Xu returned to the village and summoned Tan Shitou, Liang Shanbao, Lu Yong and several people from the Guanyang Alliance. His family did not tell him, but Lu Xu had not been seen for more than a month. People in the village knew that he was in prison.

As soon as he appeared, the people in the village looked at him differently——

This is the first time in Lujia Village that a "talent" can serve in prison.

They all grew up watching Lu Xu. The grocery stores and docks in the village are all related to Lu Xu. There are more salesmen in their Lu family village than elsewhere. The whole village has benefited, and no one thinks that Lu Xu has been jailed once. He is no longer a good person, but after this experience, no one treats him as a half-grown child anymore.

Lu Xu was too embarrassed to talk to others, it was embarrassing, so he quickly took people back to his home.

Lu Hui, Lu Xuan, third uncle, and fourth uncle are already here, while Yuan Maniang, third aunt, and fourth aunt are all busy in the kitchen.

It is their custom here that when something bad happens, they have to take a bath and wash themselves from head to toe. Lu Zhou got up early in the morning, filled the water before going to school, boiled it with moxa leaves, and kept watching the fire in the twelfth lunar month. When Lu Xu came back, he would immediately Able to bathe.

As soon as Lu Xu entered the house, Yuan Maniang and La Yue ran out. The mother and daughter, who looked similar, had tears in their eyes. Lu Xu smiled even more guiltily. He was scolded by his third and fourth uncles, and he was not the second boss at all. Posture.

"Okay, okay, it's not like Xu Wa did anything wrong, that person should be beaten!" The third aunt has been in the county for a long time, and she has heard a lot about the past behavior of the Boat Gang, especially after Lu Xu was arrested , people often scolded her in the store to learn that Song Liuduo was not a thing, especially women with gamblers at home.

The third aunt sent Lu Xu to take a bath quickly, "Change off those clothes and throw them into a basin to burn. The ashes will be burned outside! Wash them inside and out!"

Lu Xu ran quickly and said as he ran, "You can sit wherever you like, Xiaowen, you can entertain me."

Lu Wen gave him a change of clothes, "I know, I know!"

Lu Xu was away, and he was already familiar with Tan Shitou and the others.

There were no outsiders, and Tan Shitou and the others were not polite. They washed their hands one by one and started to help. Those who chopped firewood, carried water, washed vegetables and chopped meat, and helped look after the children and entertained Lu Rui.

Lu Hui and Lu Xuan helped pour water into the bathtub. This was a brand new one that Lu Zhou specially ordered for him from a carpenter.

Lu Xu was quite satisfied with the bathtub, but he was a little speechless about the large pot of mugwort water. "How much mugwort was put in it, the water has turned black."

Lu Hui laughed and said, "That's the case."

The day he first came back, his family boiled a large pot of mugwort water for him. They didn't have a bathtub at home, so they had to pour it down with a ladle. His mother was afraid that the water would get cold and he would catch a cold, so Lu Wen was so scared that she didn't dare to add much cold water. , a gourd of water almost burned off the skin.

Lu Xuan picked up the dirty clothes he had changed and said, "I will burn the clothes."

Lu Xu: "Yeah."

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