Chapter 13

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Eating white flour steamed buns and drinking seaweed and egg drop soup, Lu Xu felt that her life was complete.

His younger brothers and sisters also had round bellies.

The only fly in the ointment was that Yuan Manniang still ate her sour steamed buns.

The bowl Third Grandma gave me was not enough.

White noodles are still a rare thing. Even though this is where wheat is produced, no one is willing to eat it every day. If the conditions were good, white flour would be mixed with mixed flour and eaten; if the conditions were not good, the wheat would be sold and the grains and beans would be eaten.

Third Grandma’s family steamed a pot of white flour steamed buns just because she celebrated her birthday today.

Lu Xu thought for a while, waited for the snails to come out of the pot, and brought a bowl to visit the third grandma's house.

The third grandma was embarrassed and refused repeatedly, "Shui Xiu eats snails and candies at your house. You have to sell them for money. Take them back quickly."

Lu Xu took a detour and gave the bowl to her grandson Lu Shanfeng, "We are all relatives. Shuixiu and the others call me brother, right Shanfeng, take it."

Shanfeng ran away with the bowl.

Seeing that the old lady was about to arrest her grandson, Lu Xu quickly stopped her and said, "Third Grandma, I have something serious to talk to you about."

Seeing Shanfeng go into the house, Lu Xu really wanted to give it, so the third grandma also took a rest. The accounts between relatives were not very clear, so she just helped Yuan Manniang more on weekdays. The third grandma asked kindly, "Xuwazi, what do you want to say?"

Lu Xu smiled and asked shyly, "Do you sell your steamed buns?"

The third grandma blinked her eyes, then blinked again, understanding what he meant, and said a little painfully: "Shall I bring you another bowl?"

Lu Xu knew she had misunderstood.

Although his bowl of snails is more expensive than steamed buns in terms of price, the villagers always feel that nothing is as valuable as food, especially wild vegetables that can be dug from the mountains and snails that can be picked up from the river.

Lu Xu explained: "No, no, I just want to ask, if your steamed buns are so good, why don't you go to the market to sell them?"

Third Grandma: "Going to the market to sell?"

Lu Xu: "Yes."

The third grandma was amused by his unreliable idea, "Then who would buy it? Who can't steam steamed buns?"

Lu Xu said: "How come no one buys it? There are many people who know how to steam steamed buns, but few can steam them deliciously."

There was no baking powder in this era, so fermentation relied entirely on flour starter. The flour starter was difficult to use, prone to sourness, and had many bacteria. To neutralize the sour taste, you have to mix the dough with plant ash water and use alkali to neutralize it.

But how many noodles should be put on how many noodles and how much gray water should be used is all a technical job.

The noodles are missing and the noodles cannot be opened.

There are too many noodles and the noodles are sour.

There is less gray water, but the noodles are still sour.

If there is too much gray water, the noodles will turn yellow and hard.

Not to mention that the fermentation time is different in different seasons and different temperature and humidity conditions.

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