Chapter 81 Prison

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The doctor arrived, Gouzi was taken to the hospital, and Lu Xu was also imprisoned.

As for Song Liu, because his injuries were too serious, he was also carried onto a cart and lay down.

The case is not complicated. The official only needs to take the people present back for questioning, and the whole process will be clear.

As usual, Lu Xu, a brave man like Lu Xu, could get out by paying the ransom, but he beat someone in front of an official, and the beating was quite serious. He also accidentally punched an official, although the official didn't care much, and Many people begged for mercy, but the law is the law after all. So many people have seen it, and he has to go to jail no matter what.

The officer escorted Lu Xu to the prison. Lu Xu did not cry out for his injustice. Even though he kept making noises, Song Liu wanted to go to prison. "Where are you going to take him? I won't accept it if Song Liu doesn't go to prison!"

Song Liu was on another cart, covering the back of his head and chin and screaming, his voice was like killing a pig. Lu Xu pulled the sleeves of the official who pushed him, and was blocked by passers-by. He said helplessly, "Master Lu, let go." Well, I'll take him to the hospital to check his injuries first. Can he run away like this? I'm watching and I promise not to let him go!"

Everyone disagreed: "We can't let him go!" "He was about to run away just now!" "What if the boat gang kidnaps him?"

Song Liu's gang was also shouting: "It's none of my business, sir. I sat far away and just ate a bowl of cake without anyone around me?"

Passersby responded: "You kicked someone, I saw it!" "You even broke a bowl at someone else's stall!"

The group of people shouted that they were wronged: "It was Mr. Liu who threw the bowl, not us!"

They were also being escorted by police officers, and they were walking and arguing with the passers-by who came to act as witnesses, shouting that they were wronged, that they were innocent, that it had nothing to do with them, and that they were the ones who had done it, and they could never be spared lightly. A group of people were jostling and moving on the street, which was more lively than a vegetable stall in the morning market.

The officials were so noisy that their ears hurt and their heads started to buzz.

At this time, the army horses also galloped onto the street, rushing to the Yamen one step ahead of them.

"It's a horse!" "Military horse!" "Is there going to be conscription again?" "Isn't the fight over?" "Who said that?"

Suddenly, the group became even more confused.

It was as if everyone was in a state of panic, shouting regardless of you and me, and rushed to the Yamen.

The officer took a look and saw that this was not possible!

Hurry up and form a human wall.

Luo Shen led people out of the yamen and dismissed the passers-by, "My lord, I am not free now. The suspects will all be taken to the prison. The witnesses will wait in the courtyard and corridor for a while."

Whoever wanted to leave at this time, passers-by shouted that they were witnesses and followed the officials to the corridor to wait. Lu Xu and Song Liu's group of men were pressed to go to the prison. Lu Xu looked back three times every step and refused to leave properly. "Is that a military horse? Is that a military horse? Brother Luo, is that a military horse? Has the fight been finished?"

The veins on Luo Shen's forehead were twitching. He had never seen Lu Xu being so noisy. He was about to go to jail and still kept quiet, "Shut up! Take him down!"

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