Chapter 142 Arrival

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When they arrived at Qinglong City, Chen Lian was more familiar with them than they were, so he took the initiative to act as a guide for Lu Xu and found a large inn for Lu Xu.

Chen Lian: "Don't worry, it's absolutely safe. This is an inn guarded by our general."

Lu Xu: "..."

Chen Lian: "Okay, you can rest. If you have any questions, ask the clerk. I have to go back to the military camp. Before departure, you ask the clerk in the store to call me over there."

Lu Xu quickly asked: "Is Brother He in the city?"

Chen Lian: "I don't know, what? You want to find the military governor?"

Lu Xu: "It's okay. If he happens to be free in Qinglong City, I have to go see him."

After finally getting acquainted, and calling him big brother for two days, Lu Xu felt that he was already at home, how could he not go and meet him? That's not enough of a friend.

Chen Lian nodded: "Okay, I'll take a look for you."

Lu Xu moved a small jar of wine from the car, "If Brother He is not here, help me leave this to him."

This is the pear wine that Lu Xu brought from Guanyang. It has a bit of sweet pear flavor and is so delicious that you won’t be able to get over it.

Chen Lian knew that Lu Xuting treasured his two carts of wine, so he thought that this boy had some eyes, so he hugged the small jar and smiled, "I will definitely deliver it to you."

Lu Xu waved to him.

He still didn't know who He Chengye was, so he asked Chen Lian, and Chen Lian said, "The warlord is the warlord." He didn't know if he was being stupid or stern.

However, after thinking about it, he never offended He Chengye. Taking advantage of someone and calling him a big brother is something that a big shot like that wouldn't care about with a commoner. He Chengye also said that he would find a pen for him, but he didn't know if he had found it. turn up.

When he was thinking about He Chengye, He Chengye was redrawing maps with his subordinates in other military camps. After many days of hard work, they got inspiration from Lu Xu's rough map and deciphered the scale and direction angle.

In the past, they used to march in eight directions: east, west, north, south, southeast, northeast, southwest, and northwest. When they arrived at the target location, they would judge the specific direction based on the front and rear directions of the mountains, rivers, landforms, and cities drawn on the map. If they could find a guide, it would be better. If there was no guide, no matter the distance, Or the direction, there will always be some deviation.

Lu Xu started drawing angles when he studied mathematics in elementary school. Under the influence of protractors and geometric problems, he drew pictures with his bare hands. The accuracy was less than one degree, and the deviation was not more than three or five degrees. He inadvertently drew the scale and more accurate direction and angle. In the simple map, circles and dots are used to replace villages and towns. The simple map drawn is like a coordinate system, which is much simpler than the military map.

The cartographers referred to his drawing method and figured out some symbols representing mountains and rivers. After many days of refinement, they drew the first improved map, which suddenly became many times more intuitive and simpler than the previous complex map.

When He Chengye got it, he found that there were many gaps that were difficult to connect, and he sent troops to escort the officials to re-survey. This time it was not just about which mountain was in front of which mountain, which mountain was behind which mountain, but also to be precise. Measure the distance.

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