Chapter 46 Settlement of Accounts

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"You and Qiu Hu become brothers like this?"


Yan Junqi was confused for a moment.

Lu Xu became so passionate that he dared to do anything, but when he returned home after doing it, he felt that he was too average and a little embarrassed.

Niunianniu told Yan Junqi, "I only told you."

Yan Junqi nodded.

Qiu Hu knew that he had a reputation outside as a gangster and that Lu Xu's family was orphaned and widowed, so he didn't come to visit him. He only wrapped gifts for Lu Xu and asked him to bring them back to give to his younger brothers and sisters.

"I heard that Qiu Hu himself eats whole grains and noodles. He also bought many gifts for Lu Zhou and La Yue."

Yan Junqi nodded, no, he, the scholar who needed help settling accounts, got a knife of good paper and a piece of good ink.

Lu Xu: "I see his righteousness. I admire people who are bold, righteous and heroic."

Yan Junqi nodded: "Well, you are like that."

Lu Xu was even happier.

Others praise him for his ability to speak, but when he speaks, others know that he is saying nice things on purpose. Jun Qi is amazing, and the compliments on him are always very true and useful.

Lu Xu raised his tail, "You don't know, those brothers of his are so jealous of me, they are so sour that I don't even need to add vinegar to the cold dishes!"

Yan Junqi couldn't help but laugh too.

"Hurry up and help me calculate, how much does it cost to open a canteen?"


Yan Junqi didn't know why he called the small grocery store a canteen, but he did. It sounded quite cute, so he listed all the goods Lu Xu mentioned, how much he wanted to buy, how to mix them cost-effectively, and what he wanted less and what he wanted more. , how to price...

He listed three pieces of paper. Before he felt dizzy, Lu Xu looked dizzy first.

"No, it's too much. Reduce it."


Lu Xu had dinner at his house in the evening and stayed another night.

He and Yan Junqi stayed up half the night before coming up with a plan.

Yan Jun copied them together and read them to him one by one.

After Lu Xu heard it once, he could repeat it.

Yan Junqi always felt that Lu Xu knew some words, but it seemed that he didn't. Whenever he felt that Lu Xu was a genius with a photographic memory, Lu Xu would turn his head and mispronounce simple words.

He didn't think about it and understood it. He just didn't want to and taught it over and over again to encourage Lu Xu to read and write.

Lu Xu's brain was in a mess. He had nightmares at night where he would write big characters, which made his hand almost break. Junqi always looked at him expectantly.

Lu Xu broke into a cold sweat and muttered in his sleep, "Jun Qi, I won't write anymore." "I won't take the exam!" "Put the book away!"

Yan Junqi couldn't help laughing, using the moonlight outside the window to look at Lu Xu's unsteady face in his deep sleep. If he was a master of painting, he wonders if he could have recorded this moment.

When Lu Xu was settling accounts, Qiu Hu was also settling accounts.

But unlike Lu Xu and Yan Junqi who wrote on paper, none of them could read, so they took out their money and simply spread it out and counted. There are piles of twelve taels, counting how many piles there are, how much is expected to be used for the purchase, and then moving out from the total, this pile, that pile, a group of people are dizzy, and soon they forget what this pile is for. , what is that pile for?

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