Chapter 154 Hide and Seek

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After teasing their younger brother, Lu Xu and Lu Xuan divided the things they brought back into several categories.

What they sell in their grocery stores is mainly dried meat and some dried goods, as well as wine that they made a special trip to buy when they came back; what they use as raw materials in restaurants and dessert shops are mainly dairy products and some dried vegetables and fruits; they can be used in clothing stores The raw materials are some relatively good quality sheepskins and other furs. The quantity is not large, but the unit price is more expensive. Lu Xu plans to leave it to Yuan Manniang to make some fur collars and other things to add to winter clothes; the rest Leather, mainly sheepskin, was sold to large merchants.

There are also medicinal materials. Lu Xu plans to ask several drug stores and large merchant ships heading south. If Guanyang cannot digest these, he can sell them south or to the state capital.

Apart from these, there are only "art" materials left to be sold separately - various animal bones and horns, and some pink stones that Su He sells.

Lu Xu planned to use the animal bones to find someone to make bone carvings to see if they could be made into some small ornaments, or make pen holders, pen holders, fans, small screens, etc. There were no such craftsmen in Guanyang, so he had no choice but to go to Guanyang. Sold elsewhere.

Anyway, these were basically given to him by Su He for free, or they were dug out of the furs in the tent in the military camp, and they cost about zero.

Animal horns are more expensive than animal bones, especially in the southern states and counties, where the population is densely populated and wild animals are hidden in the mountains, making it difficult to hunt. Such large antlers and horns are very rare.

Lu Xu planned to clean up these things, find a wealthy southern businessman, and sell them as luxury goods at a high price.

What puzzled him the most were the stones.

Most of these stones are pink, some are very red, some are pink, and some are orange-yellow. They look moist when wiped clean. But it doesn’t seem to be an agate gemstone.

Su He said that it was produced in the mountains in the north. Before the war, people from Daqi came to them specifically to buy it. He didn't know what they were buying it for.

Now that the trade routes have been cut off for many years, the Lunlan people have moved from the west to the north of Shuozhou, and the Daqi merchants who were in contact with them in the past have long been nowhere to be found. Their tribe has kept a lot of these stones, which cannot be eaten or drunk. If they cannot be sold, they will be no different from the stones on the roadside.

Barbarian girls can use some of it to make jewelry, but they prefer harder and brighter gemstones and animal bones and teeth to make jewelry, and this stone cannot be consumed.

The Lunlan people also tried selling to Tan Shitou, but although Tan Shitou was called Shitou, he didn't like stones at all. He shook his head like a rattle and asked them to bring out some affordable items, such as cattle and sheep. Ah, meat...don't pick up some broken rocks to fool him.

This time when Lu Xu went there, Su He simply sold a batch to Lu Xu along with dried meat or something, and asked him to go back to Daqi to sell and try it out.

There are specialties in the arts. When it comes to eating, Lu Xu is very good at it. When it comes to reading stones, Lu Xu is also very good at catching people's eyes.

He only knows about jade, emerald, ruby, sapphire, crystal, and diamond, but knows nothing about the others.

In his impression, the more translucent and brighter a gemstone is, the better, but when he took a look at it, it wasn't transparent either.

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