Chapter 177 is sweet

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The big city in the eyes of Chongning people is actually not big enough. Streets are full of stalls, causing chaos. It also affects the business of other shops in the city and affects people's lives.

The county magistrate thought for a while, and simply divided four areas in the wide open space between the south gate and the dock, just like a village market, and divided them among Chongning County, Wenqiu County, Guanyang County and merchants from the south.

The four outer small areas leading to the pier, or areas they were dissatisfied with, were left to Guanyang people to set up stalls.

The Guanyang County Government drew lines in the open space on the first day, and as soon as the city gate opened in the morning, they organized caravans from all walks of life to come and set up stalls.

The four areas are all rectangular, with aisles for pedestrians walking between them. The roads form a huge cross. The large cross, together with many small crosses, divides the merchants into large and small small areas, ensuring that each stall has its own space. There are direct access roads, and pedestrians passing by can see them.

At dawn, the merchants who were busy arranging their goods looked up and found to their surprise that the entire dock was occupied.

For those who are fastidious, there is a counter, and for those who are not fastidious, there is a cart, and for those who are not fastidious, they go directly to the shop on the ground and start selling.

The people who usually sell vegetables at the East Street morning market have gone to the pier to set up stalls, and there are also small food vendors in the county who have also come out to set up stalls...

The officers patrolled back and forth to maintain order, but as long as they did not occupy the road and affect walking, the officers did not care.

On this day, there is no charge for entry and exit from Guanyang County. Passenger ships of the Guanyang Alliance and the Boat Gang are free of charge, and cargo ships only charge half price.

Many people from nearby villages and towns came by boat to watch the fun, and even the whole family of people in the county came out to play.

Where is Chongning and what does Chongning have?

Where is Wenqiu, and what does Wenqiu have?

Many people don't know it at all.

For many people, Guanyang is big enough, and people from Chongning and Wenqiu are distant visitors.

It was also the first time for people from Chongning and Wenqiu to participate in such a trade fair-like activity, which was even newer than for people from Guanyang.

The common people regarded this as a lantern festival and a temple fair, and some actually made lanterns to sell.

Today happened to be a holiday. Yan Junqi held Lu Rui, and Lu Zhou held Wen Zhen and La Yue, and went shopping together.

Just after leaving the city gate, Lu Rui ordered a candy man. The smallest candy man was only as big as a palm, and he could hold it up with one hand and chew it.

La Yue and Wen Zhen also got a candy man each, and they handed it to Lu Zhou and Yan Junqi to take a bite from time to time.

When Lu Rui saw it, he also took it to Yan Junqi's mouth, but his accuracy was not good and he poked Yan Junqi in the face.

Yan Junqi pulled out Lu Rui's special handkerchief and wiped his face, then wiped Lu Rui's little face where he was eating flowers, "I don't want to eat it, Rui Rui can eat it by herself."

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