Chapter 160 Personnel Arrangement

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The county magistrate looked back and forth three times at his documents and the yamen's seal, but he really didn't want to stamp them.

How can I transport so many things on one trip and not be able to tell what each item is or where I bought it from?

Lu Xu was also very depressed. It wasn't because he was too pressed for time. He only focused on the general direction and others took care of the details.

Who knew the county magistrate would ask these questions.

There was no other way, so he went back with his tail between his legs and called Lu Xuan and Lu Yong. Yan Junqi thought about it and followed.

In the end, Lu Xuan answered half of the questions, Lu Yong answered half of the questions, and Yan Jun, who neither of them knew, answered both.

Lu Xu was stunned and the county magistrate was angry.

If it weren't for Lu Xu, would Yan Junqi not have taken the college exam this year?

Be a good scholar, don't take the scientific examination, and take care of Lu Xu's accounts!

Now it’s not just about accounting, it’s about everything!

The good-tempered county magistrate almost took off his shoes and beat him. As much as he thought highly of Yan Junqi, he wanted to beat Lu Xu.

Yan Junqi: "The personnel and cargo list must be written in the document. The student compiled it for him, and asked a few more questions, just to have a better memory. The three of them couldn't answer what the adults asked. The corresponding person in charge is also aware of it.”

Yan Junqi explained the arrangement of the caravan again, and the county magistrate gradually calmed down his anger.

I heard that they organized ten people into a team according to the military establishment, and divided them into grain teams, cargo teams, and escort teams accordingly, each responsible for their own vehicles and goods.

Regardless of whether Lu Xu was reliable or not, everyone else in the caravan was reliable, and the county magistrate was finally relieved.

He didn't even know how Lu Xu came back smoothly from the last trip.

He had to check for Lu Xu, and he could not let Lu Xu risk the lives of Guanyang people just to make money.

Later, the county magistrate also called Lu Qing and Luo Chun, and gave the two security chiefs a good warning.

The general idea is, take care of people first, then goods, safety first, be optimistic about Lu Xu.

Lu Xu sat aside with his neck hunched in the air, staring at his toes and thinking, he is obviously the leader, the decision-maker, the big boss!

The county magistrate stamped him with his official seal and gave him several letters to take to Wenqiu and Chongning County Magistrates along the way. In addition, he also personally wrote a half-public and half-private letter of introduction to Lu Xu. No matter where he is in trouble, it can be regarded as supporting him to prove his identity.

Lu Xu was very moved when she got the letter.

There are many merchants in Daqi with documents, but those with official and personal connections are quite rare.

Those officials and businessmen with backgrounds and connections may not be willing to give them such a letter.

With such a public-private letter, as long as Lu Xu does not kill anyone or is involved in rebellion, even if he commits something outside, the local government will give Guanyang Yamen a face and seize him first and then notify Guanyang, waiting for them to send someone to redeem him. .

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