Chapter 134 Negotiation

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Lu Xu looked at Lu Qing, took a deep breath, and stood up. Lu Qing stood up with him and followed behind him.

The young man looked at Lu Qing and did not allow him to follow.

Luo Chun and Liang Shanbao wanted to come over when they saw it. Lu Xu waved his hand and said no.

If the other party really wanted to do something to him, he would not see him in person.

He and Lu Qing walked into the woods and saw a smiling middle-aged man facing them, standing with his hands behind his back.

Lu Xu quickly asked Lu Qing in a low voice: "Do you know him?"

Lu Qing also replied in a low voice: "I don't know him."

Lu Xu was a little regretful.

The middle-aged man was looking at their tent with interest. When he saw them coming, he turned his attention to them. However, what he was looking at was not Lu Xu, but Lu Qing, who was half a step away from Lu Xu, and The saber hanging from his waist.

The middle-aged man asked: "Are you a soldier of the general?"

The tone was actually very kind.

Lu Qing held up his hand and said, "The disarmed soldiers dare not insult the reputation of the general."

The middle-aged man smiled and said: "Then you must have some skills. The general will not give you the sword of his own soldiers."

Lu Qing smiled and said nothing.

The middle-aged man pointed to their tent area: "Is that your handiwork?"

Lu Qing: "Yes."

The middle-aged man nodded.

Lu Xu turned around after hearing this. They were setting up a tent to cook. The division of labor was the same as it was along the way, and he couldn't see any difference.

However, in the eyes of insiders, the situation is completely different.

They seemed to be relaxed, but the inside and outside of the tents were measured and connected to each other. The vehicles formed a simple defense layer between the tents. The place where Lu Xu was sitting was guarded from all directions.

Those in the outer circle are all experienced veterans, the inner ones are the Luo family children led by Luo Chun, the middle ones are ordinary clerks, and the most central area is Lu Xu's tent.

The veterans in the outer circle seemed to be relaxing in tying tents and chopping firewood, but their attention was always on the bandits.

At this moment, they turned their attention to the woods again.

The young man surrounded and protected by them like stars holding the moon, seemed to be an amateur at all. He looked back at a loss and didn't see anything famous.

At this time, the middle-aged man finally turned his attention to Lu Xu: "I heard that you could tell at a glance that they were from the military?"

"A fluke, a fluke."

"Oh? How did you figure it out? Or was it a fluke?"

Doesn't that make him look incompetent? At this time, his humility was lost. Seeing that he had a good temper, Lu Xu didn't want to kill him if he disagreed, so he had the courage to complain: "When those two brothers saw my second uncle's saber, they reacted like this. Same as the general."

The middle-aged man was stunned, and the young man standing aside was also stunned. Then he remembered the reaction of him and his partner, and couldn't help feeling depressed.

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