Chapter 167 Love Troubles

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When the "market" opened and the defense was changed, the satisfied villagers hugged and carried the good things they picked up today, carrying large and small bags home with the soldiers who were "off duty".

Except for the soldiers who were on duty, the entire camp was very lively.

The camp was tight on the outside and loose on the inside. As long as they didn't mind wasting oil lamps and torches, the military households stayed up all night without anyone caring about them. Lu Xu felt the fun of "nightlife" for the first time in a long time.

He slept for most of the day and was no longer sleepy now. He took out the barbecue grill and cut meat skewers for barbecue.

Qiu Hu was not on duty tonight. In order to make up for the loss of not entertaining Lu Xu last time, he came here to serve as his cook this time and cut most of the meat by himself.

Lu Xu went from house to house looking for charcoal, and finally got a lot of charcoal, so it was no problem to bake it all night.

The meat was grilled, and Lu Xu also cut a lot of steamed bun slices.

The coarse-grain steamed buns are toasted and crispy when you bite them.

Seeing that the first batch of meat was almost ready, Tan Shitou was still missing.

Lu Xu looked out and said, "Shitou and Yanyan won't run far away, right? Do you want to go out and look for them?"

Qiu Hu chopped the sticks with a swish, and said casually: "Yan Yan knows a lot."

Lu Xu glanced at him and thought that Qiu Hu was indeed a man who could do all kinds of craftsmanship. Look how well this wooden stick can chop! It's thin, long and smooth. After cutting it and putting it on the fire, the burrs are gone, and it looks like it was machine-processed.

Uncle Tan also chatted: "It's okay, Shi Shi is easy to coax."

Tan Shitou's mother-in-law brought them freshly soaked dried vegetables and said with a smile, "It's so coaxing!"

Just as he was talking, Tan Shitou came back with Qiu Yan in hand. He probably didn't expect that there would be so many people at home. The two of them pushed open the door and didn't even look inside. They just said goodbye to each other at the door.

Tan Shitou: "I'll take you back."

Qiu Yan: "I'm right next door."

Tan Shitou: "Then I'll watch you go in."

Qiu Yan: "Yeah."

He was standing stupidly at the door, while Lu Xu was handing out meat skewers in the room. People in the room were eating skewers while stretching their heads to look outside.

After a while, Qiu Yan came back again.

Tan Shitou's voice was so soft that he could squeeze out water: "What's wrong?"

Qiu Yan said awkwardly: "My door is locked."

Tan Shitou: "Then you go to my house to rest first, and I'll go find Brother Hu."

Qiu Yan: "Yeah."

The door creaked, and the two of them pushed it in. As soon as they entered the yard, they saw a bunch of heads poking out of the main room, guest room, kitchen...all the rooms that could accommodate people.

Qiu Hu, Qiu Hu's father and mother, Tan Shitou, his father and mother, his uncle, and his friends are all here. This is not enough. In the kitchen and the main room, there are also his other friends, his grandparents, uncles and aunts. ,brothers and sisters.

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