Chapter 139 Tea shed

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Scarface Village is located next to a valley half a day's walk from the main road. The village is close to a stream, making it convenient for irrigation.

Lu Xu and the others stopped at the roadside and asked them to go back and meet their families.

Four to five hundred people camped on the roadside, instantly taking up a large area of ​​tree shade.

The sun is scorching at noon in summer, but fortunately Dengzhou is located high up and the wind is cool, so the heat is not unbearable.

One person was left to guard one car, while others went nearby to collect firewood and prepare to light a fire for cooking.

For those who had traveled to Shuozhou with Lu Qing before, this trip was a real pleasure.

Last time, they got up early and worked hard all the way. Not to mention cooking, they even ate a pancake while walking. They were all marching.

As for Lu Xu, he could stay in a hotel, but he couldn't afford to spend money on accommodation. There was really no village or town to borrow from, so he set up his own tent.

Sometimes they eat on the road at noon, and they definitely cook in the morning and evening. They are guaranteed to have two hot meals a day.

Lu Xu was generous with his food, and many people ate better on the road than at home.

They were already quite skilled at making fires and cooking. They didn't need Lu Xu to arrange it. Those who were supposed to collect firewood were already gathering firewood, and those who were supposed to fetch water were already fetching water.

Lu Xu took a fan and looked around, but there was no trace of anyone in all directions.

It is simply unimaginable in Guanyang that a road that is clearly guarded should be so desolate.

Lu Xu found a tree that was easy to climb and had a look. He still couldn't see any villages or towns from the tree.

Lu Xu looked around, jumped down from the tree, and asked Lu Qing: "Second uncle, are there no villages or shops on the roadside elsewhere?"

Lu Qing: "It's very rare. There are few people in Shuozhou, and there are few traders coming and going. In the past, few people used this road. If you live on the roadside, you might encounter some trouble."

Lu Xu thought about it, and it was the same. Living on the roadside is definitely indispensable for recruiting troops. If the barbarians break through the defense line and enter Shuozhou, those living on the roadside will definitely bear the brunt.

Lu Qing continued: "There are few people on the Dengzhou Road, and it's because it's far away from the water and it's not convenient for farming."

Lu Xu suddenly realized.

Sure enough, the people in their team who went to fetch water walked for a long time, and it was the local bandits who led them to find the stream along the fields.

Lu Xu thought about the necessity of building a tea shed here.

Sure enough, as soon as they boiled the water, passers-by came over and asked if they could get some water.

The accent sounded familiar to Lu Xu, and after asking, he found out that this family was a military household from Tonghe County, Longxing.

There are eight members of their family, some old and some young. The youngest child is only eight or nine years old. Sitting on the cart, he is also very tired.

Lu Xu asked someone to fill them with water and asked about what he had seen on the road.

"It's not difficult to find water in the front, but for some reason it's hard to find water here. You have to go to the mountainside to find it. It takes a long time to find water. The car can't push it through. I don't know when it will arrive."

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