Chapter 144 Dinner Party

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After chatting with Zhang Baihu, Lu Xu directed the convoy to the camp. Tan Shitou, who was waiting aside, was already impatient.

As soon as he saw Zhang Baihu pulling Qiu Hu away to say something, Tan Shitou immediately ran over and bumped into Lu Xu. He bumped into Lu Xu shoulder to shoulder, and both of them were knocked back half a step. Then they happily put their arms around each other and bumped fists.

Lu Xu said rudely: "Did you and your uncle steal the feed?!"

Tan Shitou patted the strong muscles on his arms: "I move wood every day to build a house. It won't take a month, but you are still strong!"

"Is it covered?"

"I guarantee you a place to sleep!"

The two of them were walking forward with arms around each other, and suddenly they heard a female voice shouting "Master Lu" from a distance.

The pronunciation of the voice was not the dialect of any place in Longxing or Shuozhou, and the pronunciation seemed not yet adapted to Daqi dialect.

Lu Xu and Tan Shitou, who thought they were not "Lord Lu", both turned around and saw a herdsman girl walking towards them, and then...

Passing by the two of them, he stood directly in front of Lu Qing without sparing a glance. His beautiful cheeks suddenly blushed, whether it was excitement or shyness.

"I didn't expect to see you again. I'm glad to see you're safe."

The girl spoke in barbarian language, and Lu Xu couldn't understand a word of it, but he seemed to understand everything.

He bumped into Tan Shitou and pursed his lips, "Who is this? What did she say? What is her relationship with my second uncle?"

Tan Shitou: "Huh?"

Isn't this the precious sister of the unreasonable bison Su He from the Lunlan tribe?

Lu Qing didn't seem to recognize the other person. After thinking for a while, he suddenly said: "Aya? How is your family?"

His pronunciation was also very inaccurate, but he could barely pronounce the name.

The girl's smile is like the first blooming flowers in spring, with a natural shyness and cuteness, which is very different from the exaggerated business-like smiles of Lu Xu and Zhang Baihu.

"They are very good, we are grazing here." The girl said excitedly, her tone speeding up a little unconsciously.

Lu Qing sounded even more strenuous. He frowned and listened, just like Lu Xu doing an English listening test.

I don't know whether it was because of the difference between men and women, or because Lu Qing really didn't want to embarrass his ears and brain, or expose his poor barbarian vocabulary. He smiled politely, said goodbye to the girl named Aya, and directed the truck to go.

The two young bosses listened to the gossip with their ears pricked up. The one who couldn't understand the barbarian language and the one who could understand the barbarian language didn't understand the reason.

The girl pursed her lips and pinched her fingers dejectedly before walking away. She passed by Lu Xu and Tan Shitou again, but still didn't give them a look.

Lu Xu: "..."

Tan Shitou: "..."

The two "airs" looked at each other, seriously doubting whether they were unattractive to the opposite sex.

The truck carrying wine accidentally ran over a stone, and the whole car clanged. Lu Xu immediately threw the beauty out of the sky, exclaimed "My wine!" and went straight to the truck.

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