Chapter 39 Forced Buying and Selling

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It was only after Gouzi reminded Lu Xu that he remembered the four families in Guanyang County. The Song family, the boat gang, is the most powerful and domineering, but the other three families are not necessarily willing to see him become more powerful.

Others have bullied him, and he still wants to bow his head and treat others as their grandson. Lu Xu is not happy.

He's not a cheap person.

Besides, even if he bows his head, he is still an outsider after all, and he cannot compare to the relationship between relatives and brothers. Even if he surrenders to Song San, he will still be plotted by Song Liu in the future. That won't work.

Rather than that, it would be better to find another backer that the Song family is not easy to mess with.

The Luo family is one, but Luo Shen doesn't seem to like him very much, and he doesn't like to cause trouble. Since he had helped him and didn't like to cause trouble, Lu Xu didn't want Luo Shen to think that he only caused trouble. In human relations, balance is better. How can one party always suffer? Luo Shen is not his relative.

He had to ask around.

He didn't know much about the Qiu family. He heard that he was from the mountains and did some hard business in Guanyang. He often worked as a coolie at the dock for unloading cargo for the boat gang.

Lu Xu thought that the Qiu family was 80% unwilling to offend the boat gang, so the only option left was the Ma family.

The Ma family's ancestors had served as officials, and they were a local aristocratic family in Guanyang County. Although it is far less prosperous than when it was before, it is a big tree with deep roots and still has its power, so all successive county magistrates must respect it.

The Ma family is low-key and looks inferior to the other three up-and-comers, but after living in Guanyang for a long time, you will know that the prominent family has changed for 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, and only the Ma family can stand for a long time. local snake.

It seems that he has some friendship with the Ma family, and the young master of the Ma family even lent him a lot of books!

Lu Xu occasionally met the young master of the Ma family in the bookstore and would chat for a while. The boy was warm-hearted, ignorant of the world and simple.

It's just that Lu Xu doesn't know what's going on inside the Ma family, and whether Ma Ruoqi can help him speak.

Lu Xu asked Second Master Sun about the Ma family in the morning market, and Second Master Sun pointed his little finger at him, "That's the comparison between those houses and the Ma family. The Ma family doesn't take them seriously at all."

Lu Xu was shocked, "So powerful? I don't think the Ma family's house is big."

Second Master Sun laughed and said, "The main house is not conspicuous. You will know it when you go in and take a look. The courtyard walls of the houses in that half of the street are all connected to the Ma family's house."

Is there such an operation?

Second Master Sun happily gossiped with him: "The Ma family has a large population, and there are houses near the main house, and it is difficult to expand. What can we do? Buy it, generation after generation, the more you buy, the more you buy. I think there will be two more generations. , their family has no neighbors, and they have to buy the whole street.”

Lu Xu was speechless, "How many children are there in the Ma family?"

Second Master Sun: "How much can that be?"

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