Chapter 124 Changing membership

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In the evening, Luo County Lieutenant and Luo Shen came back from the office. While eating, they listened to what Mr. Luo and Luo Chun said.

Luo Shen frowned subconsciously and began to weigh the pros and cons in his mind. Lieutenant Luo did not speak, but his eyes lit up.

Luo Chun observed silently, and immediately saw that his uncle was moved.

Luo County Lieutenant asked: "Our family only needs one person?"

Luo Chun nodded: "That's what he said, he will pay for the goods, we will provide the people, and the two companies that are not enough will hire them together. The two companies will form a partnership, and the profit will be three-thirds. We will each get a share, and we will keep a share for the next trip. Expand the scale until our caravan can open this road and make it the largest caravan from Guanyang to Shuobei. There is no need to expand any more and the profits will be equally divided."

Hearing "the largest caravan from Guanyang to Shuobei", Lieutenant Luo County couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, thinking that he dared to think about it, and he was not afraid of the wind blowing his tongue.

Luo Chun saw Luo Shen looking at him and said, "I didn't say that, it was Lu Xu who said it. Grandpa also heard it."

Luo Shen ignored him, "What if we can't build the largest caravan?"

Luo Chun: "He said it would be ten years at the latest. If it doesn't work out, we will discuss it again. As long as one of us doesn't want to expand, we will share the profits equally."

Luo Shen nodded.

Then the dinner table fell silent.

The family ate in silence, each thinking about his own things.

Several young people eating at another table had returned from the Shuozhou battlefield. They were biting their chopsticks and not knowing what they were thinking.

Not only Luo Chun has walked that road, but also several members of the Luo family.

This road passes through Jianyang and Chongning, and these two counties are among the poorest in Longxing, for no other reason than they are too mountainous.

There are many mountains but no big rivers, water transportation is impassable, and food production is also poor.

Jianyang is the largest county in Longxing and is even poorer than Guanyang. Chongning has the longest distance from north to south, which is worse than Jianyang. Jianyang is adjacent to the state capital in the south, and Chongning is too far to even go to the state capital to seek connections.

And further north, over the mountains and into Shuozhou territory, it is worse than Jianyang and Chongning.

After all, their Longxing County is not too poor in the whole Daqi. Other wealthy counties can finally take care of these poor counties. As for Shuobei, it is a borderland with howling cold winds, short summers and long winters, and even poorer products. It was so bad that they had to rely on the imperial government to allocate money to buy food for them every year, otherwise they would not have enough to eat.

Building roads?

Of course, don’t even think about it.

There were only a few main roads for marching, and most of them were overgrown with grass.

If they want to take the caravan on this road, they don't have to worry about robbery.

Firstly, there are many of them, and secondly, Daqi punishes them severely, especially in border counties, where troops are stationed all year round, and those bandits and robbers are not enough for them to encircle and suppress.

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