Chapter 61 Add more fire

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Lu Xu watched in horror as the county captain raided the gambling house and took all the people to jail.

He didn't dare to do it anymore, so he called Lu Wen and Tan Shitou, grabbed the money and ran away, honestly returning to the dock to sell wheat.

In the evening, he talked to Yan Junqi. Yan Junqi asked calmly, "Just a handful?"

Lu Xu's eyes widened: "That's a saber. How many more does he want to hide? Are you ready to rebel?"

Yan Junqi calmly dipped in ink and wrote, "Is the handle of the knife copper or iron?"

Lu Xu was startled, "The county captain wrapped it up and didn't look at it."

He also reacted, "You mean, not a saber?"

Yan Junqi: "If it's copper, go to Shuangshui Village to see it. Many people in their village use that kind of knife to chop meat and chop wood."

Lu Xu: "...ah?"

Yan Junqi: "The previous dynasty lacked iron, and the smelting of iron was not as good as ours. There was a kind of saber with only the blade made of fine iron, and the back and handle of the sword were made of copper. In the last years, the rebels in Longxing made many imitations of that kind of saber. It is not as light and sharp as the Ichao saber, but it is thick and heavy and is very suitable for chopping bones and firewood, so although it is not widely available among the people, it is not difficult to find."

Seeing that Lu Xu was dumbfounded, Yan Junqi said: "However, you did not accuse him unjustly. The saber of the previous dynasty was also a saber. It is also a crime to keep it privately."

Lu Xu was silent.

When Yan Junqi mentioned it, he was really impressed.

There was a hunter in Shuangshui Village. He had met him before when he was cutting firewood in the mountains. He had a long knife in his basket.

As expected of you, Shuangshui Village is full of martial virtue!

Lu Xu struggled: "I just want to vent my anger, but I don't want to kill him. What kind of saber is he hiding?"

Yan Junqi: "The county magistrate will not kill him with a knife from the front, but he will be beaten."

The Boat Gang dares to be so arrogant, so it naturally has a backing, and 80% of them are still in the state capital, which is why the county magistrate has tolerated it for so many years. Seeing the Boat Gang getting bigger, they have no choice but to take advantage of the opportunity of conscription to reduce it. Killing one Song Liujie to weaken the boat gang would not help, and it would also anger Song Dasong and Song Er.

Who allows ready-made food to be stored in the warehouse of the gambling house?

Lu Xu breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he is suspected of being in a gang, he has no intention of becoming a gangster. "I still want to steal money and risk my life. Let them cry because they have no money and go to the streets to beg. If they can't survive, they will feel like being bullied." .”

Yan Jun smiled and gave Lu Xu some advice, "Then add some fire."

Lu Xu: "How to add it?"

Yan Junqi: "The grain ship brought by the county magistrate is still docked?"

Lu Xu: "Yes."

Yan Junqi: "Tell them to unload a boatload of rice and show it to the boat gang."

Lu Xu: "Those are all empty ships!"

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