Chapter 18 Crying loudly

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Lu Xu returned home in a hurry, and asked Shang Yuan Manniang to go straight to Yan Junqi's house.

He arranged the pile of threads he bought horizontally in different colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple, and then arranged them vertically according to depth and thickness. After laying out the color line spectrum, he immediately introduced what gradient is, what composition is, what dynamics is, and what white space is.

"We can still make use of light. Look, mother and aunt." Lu Xu pulled a leaf and put it in the sun. "When the light shines on it, it becomes bright. When I cover it with my hand, it blocks out the shadow and it becomes dark. Look at the tree at the door. Do trees have light and dark colors, light and shadow? Think about it again, do they have different colors in the morning, noon, and evening? We can use lines to distinguish different colors, and we can also make gradients, so , when others look at it, they will know whether we are embroidering a tree in the morning, a tree in the afternoon, a tree on a cloudy day, or a tree on a sunny day."

Yuan Maniang and Yan's mother were greatly shocked.

Lu Xu continued to bombard, "Look, if you look at our mountain from a close distance, you can see the stones and trees clearly, but from a distance, it's all hazy. Those who can see clearly are embroidered in detail, and those who can't see clearly are embroidered roughly. Shape. This same leaf looks big in front of you, but looks small when you hold it from a distance."

When Yuan Manniang and Yanmu heard the words, they gestured to the leaves together.

"We also use threads, which are also bird feathers and down. Use thin threads. For wings, use thick threads."

This is easy to understand, they nodded.

"As for the composition and blank space..." Lu Xu scratched his head and used a branch to draw a fan-sized picture on the ground. "It's almost that big. When we embroidered it, we thought it was a painting and we couldn't fill it up. It would be too big. It doesn't look good at all. It can't be too small, too small to be invisible. If I draw a mountain here, draw a flower nearby, and a butterfly flying on the flower, and the butterfly flies away from the grass, it will be better than just embroidering a big butterfly. nice."

Lu Xu drew a stick figure on the ground. It was embarrassing to look at it by himself, so he pulled it away with his foot, "Probably that's what it means, if you can't figure it out..." He pulled Yan Junqi, "Let Junqi draw a picture for you on the paper first. appearance!"

Yan Junqi: "..."

He, he won’t either!

But Lu Xu insisted on painting. He thought about the flowers and plants that Yan's mother had embroidered in the past, and sketched them on the ground with branches. From time to time he looked up at the trees and mountains outside, and roughly drew the mountains, flowers, and butterflies that Lu Xu had just given an example of.

When Lu Xu took a look, it turned out to be exactly what happened!

"Okay, okay, just draw like this!" He ran to dig out the calligraphy and painting that the unknown young master lent him, "Jun Qi, if you study more, you can copy some parts of the painting!"

It was impossible to copy, so Yan Junqi took the calligraphy and painting and went back to the study to study.

He had never painted before. He had only seen people painting and selling paintings in the county and state capitals before. Thinking about Lu Xu's theory and referring to the painting in front of him, he first dipped his pen in water and roughly drew a rough sketch of the fan on the table. , feeling familiar, he went outside the courtyard and folded a bamboo branch and began to paint.

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