Chapter 5 Find another way out

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Seeing that Yan Junqi was asking more questions like he was breaking the casserole, Lu Xu hurriedly said, "I'll tell you something else!"

But he thought about it again and again...

Water Margin? This was a properly banned book in ancient times!

A Dream of Red Mansions? He couldn't see it, let alone tell it.

Three Kingdoms? I don't know if there will be any mapping problems. Lu Xu scratched his head and chose the safest option, fantasy cultivation!

Don’t bully young people into poverty. Thirty years to the east of the river and thirty years to the west of the river. My destiny is up to me. It makes me passionate and fun to read!

Unexpectedly, Yan Junqi struggled to explain, "Not to mention whether there are gods in the world, mythology says that the gods were born at the beginning of the world. Immortals are in charge of everything in the world and coexist with the heaven and earth. They are invisible to mortals. Only the Taishiguan can observe the stars for divination, inspiration and sacrifice. How can this be? What comes from cultivation? Privately-made weapons have been strictly prohibited in ancient times. People have no wings, so why can they fly into the sky with a sword? What kind of thing is Qi?"

Lu Xu: "..."

Is it possible that Yan Junqi is still an atheist? He hesitated and asked, "Don't you believe there are ghosts and gods in the world?"

Yan Junqi paused and shook his head cautiously, "I haven't seen it, so I don't believe it." His eyes darkened, "If there really are gods, the court, the people, and the sacrifices in the past dynasties have not dared to slack off, how can there be constant natural disasters? If there are natural disasters, It’s punishment. The people are already suffering so much, why do the gods keep punishing them? Don’t they have any mercy?”

Lu Xu: "...Sigh."

It made him feel depressed. It’s not easy to give Yan Junqi popular science about the earth’s rotation, crustal movement, and climate change.

Seeing that he was in a low mood, Yan Junqi quickly said, "These two stories are very exciting. If they could be turned into novels, many people would love to read them."

Lu Xu consoled himself, maybe there were only a few people like Yan Junqi, and he managed to pull himself together and asked, "If I want to write storybooks and sell them to make money, do you think it's feasible? I'll write the story, and you'll polish it, and we'll share the money equally." .”

Yan Junqi was a little embarrassed, "There are several volumes of this story, I'm afraid I won't be able to write more than a few pages in one day."

Lu Xu: "It doesn't matter. Once we publish one copy, we will find someone to print one." If we can get enough of a single volume, we will sell one. If the sales decline, we will change the story immediately.

He just saw it. The books Yan Junqi read were both copied and printed. In this era, printing technology already existed. If it is popular, it can be done once and for all, engraved once and printed infinitely! Even if you only earn a penny from selling a copy, it can still turn sand into hills and water into seas!

"Is there a bookstore in the county? We cooperate with the bookstore. We publish stories and they print them. The cost of paper and ink engraving is theirs. We only need a small profit. We only need one penny to sell a copy. When we have money in the future, we will print it ourselves! "The more Lu Xu thought about it, the more excited he became. He imagined mountains of gold and silver before his eyes, and he could buy fields with just a sack!

Yan Junqi didn't know whether he was shocked by the whimsy of his story or his idea of ​​making money that was even more unreasonable than the story. He calmed down and had to remind him: "I have an order from the government that private printing is not allowed among the people. If you want to publish a book collection, An approval must be submitted to the state government, which must be reported to the imperial court. After approval, craftsmen can be mobilized to set the journals and print them after autumn. If a book has more than ten volumes, the state government must also submit an approval to the Ministry of Rites, which will then be arranged by the Ministry of Works. Craftsmen engrave and print them. Even if the pamphlet is less than thirty pages, it still needs to be approved by the state government, and then it can be taken to the bookstore to find someone to copy and sell it. "

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