Chapter 190 Traveling Far Away

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When it was time to set off, the whole village came to the river to see Yan Junqi, Lu Xu and Lu Zhou off.

The pier next to their village was the same place where Lu Xu first moved stones to build it. Many years later, it has been built into a neat stone pier. You can get on the boat from here without stepping on the mud.

Lu Rui, who had promised to protect his sister and grandma for his brother, stood at the front, watching suitcases and boxes of luggage being loaded onto the ship. When he saw his brother also getting on the ship, Lu Rui started to cry loudly.

Lu Xu often goes out in the past few years, for as little as one or two months and as long as three or four months. The family has finally gotten used to it, but he hasn't gone out much in the past six months. He spends time with his family in Guanyang every day, and Lu Rui spends most of his time every day. Being around each other, the first separation is like tearing out one's heart.

When he cried, La Yue and Wen Zhen also cried. When they cried, Yan's mother and Yuan Maniang also cried. The elders in the family all had tears in their eyes. Lu Zhou, Lu Xu and Yan Junqi on the boat also had red eyes.

Grandpa Lu waved his hand, "Let's go, let's go, to avoid delays on the road and make it difficult to stay at night."

Yan Junqi lifted up his robe and knelt down, bidding farewell to his mother and the elders of the Lu family.

He was already holding a ceremony, and he no longer had to kneel to anyone except the emperor, but Yan Junqi still saluted seriously and bowed solemnly three times.

He didn't know how long he had left this time, and whether the elders who saw him off today would still be alive when he came back next time.

Looking at the elders who took good care of him, Yan Junqi couldn't help but get a lump in his throat.

Grandpa Lu, Grandma Lu, Li Zheng and other elders waved to them and watched them leave with tears and smiles. The young people in the village chased the boat all the way on the shore until they left the village and the boat was far away, and they could no longer pursue it. Can't catch up.

Lu Xu and the others were standing on the bow of the boat, and they could still hear Lu Rui, La Yue, and the others shouting loudly for their brother. Lu Wen roared to reassure them that he would take care of their family.

Yan Junqi touched the peace charm Grandma Lu had sewn for him in his arms, his vision blurred.

There is a custom in the villages near Yinma Town that when children travel far away, the eldest elder in the family is asked to make a peace charm.

The last time Lu Hui went north to join the army, Grandma Lu didn't have time to make it for him, and she was worried about it for a long time.

As soon as she heard that Yan Junqi was going to the capital to take the exam, she quickly sewed the peace charm and hung it in a temple in the town for three days to pray for blessings and consecration.

She is old and slow in doing things. She only made one this time, not even her two biological grandchildren, Lu Xu and Lu Zhou.

As the sun rises and the road goes further and further, Lujia Village gradually blurs into a dot in the landscape, until it can no longer be seen.

Yan Junqi stood at the bow of the ship for a long time, even losing sight of the mountains next to Lujia Village, before moving to the cabin.

This ship is the cargo ship of their Guanyang Alliance. It usually travels between Guanyang County and Jianyang County. It will stop at small towns along the way to rest in the evening. People in small towns will occasionally take their ship to and from the county.

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