Chapter 96 Buying New Year's Goods

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Lu Qing asked: "Do you really want to plant trees and raise pigs?"

Lu Xu: "Of course it's true!"

He said it after so long, isn't it convincing enough?

Lu Xu started to settle accounts for Lu Qing again, "Look, wood is needed to build houses in the village, wood is needed to make furniture, wood is needed to make cars, and firewood is needed to make fires! Let's start from top to bottom, planting cold-resistant and strong plants on the top. Good wood suitable for making beams and columns can be planted over a period of several decades or a hundred years, and it will take five or ten years to grow in the middle. The trees used for making furniture can be planted below to make it easier for villagers to collect firewood."

Lu Qing was curious: "You want to buy a mountain and let someone pick it up?"

Lu Xu: "This is unavoidable. We are all related. Can I fine someone for picking up a few branches from the mountain? I have run out of green onions. No one will ask me for money if I go to someone's vegetable patch to pick up a handful of green onions." "

Lu Qing just smiled and asked Lu Xu to continue.

Lu Xu: "There is no need to move the original trees on the mountain. Let them grow. Especially those old trees that are several years old. It is best to grow to three or four feet thick. As long as it can grow, it will keep growing. In case it is necessary to use a large tree at some time." Timber, then it’s valuable!”

He had heard that before the Tang and Song Dynasties, palaces were built with towering trees. Later, the trees were used up. By the Qing Dynasty, even decent trees could not be found.

How can that work?

Excessive felling is not advisable.

"We only cut down the secondary and messy things and tidy them up. This will not only make it easier for everyone to walk, but also help the big trees grow." Lu Xu looked at the snow-covered mountains, "That area On a gentle slope, we just need to build a good fence and make it strong, and let livestock roam freely. They eat grass seeds and bugs, so we don’t have to feed them much, so it saves us a lot of trouble!”

Lu Qingdao: "What you are saying is like barbarians raising sheep, running all over the grassland, eating wherever they go without feeding them."

Lu Xu's eyes suddenly lit up: "Sheep! Second uncle, have you ever eaten mutton?"

Lu Qing: "How come you haven't eaten it before?"

I ate it every day when I was trapped with the barbarians.

Lu Xu: "It's so good, I want to eat it too!"

Lu Qing: "..."

Lu Xu: "It would be great if we could raise a batch of them on our mountain. When I accompanied Jun Qi to the state capital for the exam, I ate mutton in a restaurant. Ah... it was so delicious... and sprinkled with some chili powder. It tastes even better, but it’s a pity that Lu Zhou and the others have never tasted it in the twelfth lunar month, and they can never imagine the joy of roasting mutton, stewing mutton, or boiling mutton..."

Lu Qing: "..."

They really don't have any sheep here.

When he first arrived in Shuozhou, he didn't eat much sheep.

Meat has always been a rarity. Even in the military camp, the dry food they eat is hard cakes.

When he frequently ate mutton, his team got separated from the army and was trapped in the barbarian territory and lost its way. Without water or food, he was about to starve to death from thirst, so he had no choice but to take the risk to steal the sheep from the barbarian herdsmen.

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