Chapter 68 The exam is over

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Of course Lu Xu didn't know, and he didn't know that when Tan Shitou came back and heard that Lu Zhou was literate, he dared to take the bill and ask Lu Zhou to help him read the account book and let Lu Zhou help him settle the accounts.

Little did he know that Lu Zhou had also learned the numbers he had scribbled on the mud wall at home after seeing them. Lu Zhou had learned the simplest addition and subtraction without any teacher, supplemented by counting his fingers and doing mental arithmetic. It was really helpful. Tan Shitou settled the accounts.

It's just that he was not confident in the calculated results, so he asked Tan Shitou to calculate again.

Tan Shitou didn't want to do the calculation, but Lu Wen was very interested. He pulled Tan Shitou to do the calculation twice, and it turned out that Lu Zhou's calculations were all correct!

Tan Shitou felt more relieved and bought snacks and drinks for Lu Zhou, and also treated the three brothers to a meal. Lu Zhou held the pen and slowly copied down the calculated numbers.

He had never written on paper before, and he wrote with great care.

Afraid that Tan Shitou and the others would not be able to understand, Lu Zhou thoughtfully added horizontal and vertical lines under the words to make it easier for them to count clearly.

After returning, Lu Wen and Lu Zhou went to cut pigweed together. While pulling the weeds, he asked Lu Zhou, "Did brother ask you to study?"

Lu Zhou shook his head, "No, brother doesn't know. Don't tell him yet."

Lu Wen was puzzled: "Why? Why do you want to study if you are fine?"

Lu Zhou: "I want to read it."

Lu Wen looked at him as if he were a ghost.

There is no one in their family who studies. Grandpa Li Zheng did have the idea of ​​asking his children to study, and even sent his grandson Hu Tou to the only gentleman in Yinma Town for enlightenment. As a result, Hu Tou did not It’s not that kind of material. I was beaten every day. I was beaten every day. The palms of my hands were so red and swollen that I couldn’t even hold the chopsticks. It was so miserable...

Hutou stopped reading after less than half a year.

Except for the half-hearted Hu Tou, the only scholar Lu Wen knows is Yan Junqi. He admires Yan Junqi a little. As for Yan Junqi's books, they all look like ghost drawings to him. They all look the same, which makes people have a headache. Yan Junqi I can actually keep reading with my head down.

However, Lu Zhou has been a bit strange since he was a child, and Lu Wen doesn't understand him very well.

Lu Wen scratched his head and looked at Lu Zhou's small body and stupid appearance. He didn't look like someone who was good at doing business. He was good at farming, but he didn't know if he was good at studying.

He raised his head and thought about it, thinking, forget it, Lu Zhou wants to study anyway, his eldest brother pays for it, and it can't be spent on him, so just read as much as you like.

But he didn't understand, "Why didn't you tell the elder brother?" If he didn't tell the elder brother, who would buy him books, pens and ink?

Lu Zhou's expression darkened, and he said thoughtfully, "I want to wait until brother Jun Qi finishes the exam. Anyway, don't tell eldest brother yet."

After saying that, he mowed the grass again in a muffled voice, swishing the sickle, as if cutting off all the troubles.

Lu Wen looked at him blankly. What does his studying have to do with Yan Junqi?

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