Chapter 153 Going Home

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Lu Xu and his entourage entered Guanyang County in the morning when the city gate had just opened.

They had calculated the distance the night before. Everyone was eager to return home. They did not stay outside anymore and lit torches all night long to travel.

At dawn, they happened to be able to see Guanyang County.

At that moment, Lu Xu had never felt that Guanyang County was so cute, cuter than any city he saw along the way.

The city defenders had seen them on the tower. There was also a Luo family member on the tower. He shouted at Luo Chun and others from a distance. While watching the door open at the right time, he sent someone to find Luo Shen.

Lu Xu and the others mingled with the people who came to the city to sell vegetables, chatting and laughing.

"Master Lu?"

"Yes, yes, it's really Xiao Lu!"

"It's so dark, I almost didn't recognize it."

Lu Xu chuckled: "It's me, it's me. I haven't seen you for a few days. How is everyone?"


"Are we still the same as before?"

"Are you... coming back from the north?"

"I really went to Shuozhou. I heard that you asked Manzi to buy sheep. Have you met Manzi?"

"Then there certainly isn't one. Don't you see there isn't even a sheep?"

"There are quite a lot of cows..."

"What's in this car?"

They were chatting happily when the city gate opened from the inside, and Lu Xu's caravan and nearby people filed into the city.

Luo Shen also hurried from the city, checked Lu Xu's documents as usual, and asked the city guards to check the goods. After all inspections were completed, he smiled at Lu Xu and the Luo family who had been waiting aside.

Luo Shen: "Why did it take so long?"

Luo Chun: "That's a long story! Let's take a walk and go home first. I'm hungry after walking all night."

Lu Xu also said: "I'm hungry too. Brother Luo, let's have a good chat tomorrow. I'll go home for dinner first!"

Luo Shen waved his hand and told him to leave quickly.

Lu Xugong held his hands and led the caravan towards the grocery store.

Dozens of bullock carts and mule carts passed through the streets and alleys, attracting onlookers all over the street.

Before Lu Xu had walked halfway, he saw Yan Junqi standing in the middle of the street holding a book bag.

Lu Xu was startled and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

He jumped off the bullock cart and ran towards Yan Junqi with long strides, running faster and faster, leaving a group of people behind, laughing and rushing towards Yan Junqi.

Yan Junqi expected that he would run around like this without any care, so he dropped his book bag, opened his arms, and hugged Lu Xu, who was rushing towards him at full speed.

Yan Junqi hugged Lu Xu and took three steps back before they stopped. Lu Xu cheered: "Jun Qi! How did you know I'm here?!"

Lu Wen's cool voice came from the side of the road, and his tone was full of disgust: "Half the city knows that you are back, okay? The Luo family has already sent someone to notify the house!"

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