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Hi, guyz

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Hi, guyz.. This is my first attempt to write a fan fiction.. I already posted this story in Telly Updates... One of my friends suggested me to publish it here... I will start with the prologue... Please ignore any grammatical errors...




ICU Ward

A girl is lying on the bed with so many wires fixed on her... A guy is sitting beside her holding her hand and cries badly looking at her condition...

Guy: (crying vigorously) You can't leave me... I can't' live without you... Please don't leave me...

Girl: (with a heavy heart) I'm sorry, Omkara ji... Our destiny is still here only.. Maybe I'm not your soulmate... That's why I'm leaving too early...(weeps)

Om: Don't say like this... I'm not going to let anything happen to you...(tears are flowing from his eyes)

Girl: (smiles sadly) Its too late, Omkara ji... I can feel my life is going to end... (Holds his hand) Omkara ji, I want to say few things before I close my eyes...(Omkara tries to stop her but she doesn't listen) Please, just once... (Omkara agrees) Thank you for saving my life from Kali Thakur, for accepting me after you got to know that I am Chulbul and Gauri, for loving me, for giving me a wonderful family, for forgiving your papa and for giving me back my long lost sister, Anika... (She said all this in one go scared that she will die before finish saying it)

Om: (becomes tensed seeing her speaking fastly) Gauri, please don't strain yourself... We will talk later...

Gauri: (take a deep breath and smiles looking at him) Omkara ji, I'm not sad that my life is going to end but just feeling bad that I can't live with you and our family anymore... (RiKara burst into tears... Gauri continues saying...) Omkara ji, promise me that after my death, you will not take any bad decisions... You should not take drugs again and don't become a stone-hearted once again...(cups his face with one hand) I want my Omkara ji to be happy always... (stopped for a while and take a breath) Omkara ji, if life gives you another chance to fall in love just accept it because it might be your true love and she can be your real soulmate...

Om: (knows his wife can't survive anymore) You don't have to thank me, Gauri... I am the one should thank you for loving me even though I have humiliated you so many times... I lost my trust in God and love, but you made me to believe in them once again... You taught me to live my life once again... (holds her hand that cupping his face and wiped her tears that flowing from her eyes) Gauri, I promise you that I will not take any decision that will hurt you and my family... (take a deep breath) But, I won't fall in love once again... You are my true love and no one can take your place in my heart...

Life Found Love Once Again (UNDER EDITING) #IBB AWARDS 2018Where stories live. Discover now