CHAPTER 34 - Swetlana challenged Ashok

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Ashok is pacing angrily in his room... He recalls whatever he saw just now... He throws things in his room in anger...
Ashok: How this could happen?? How she can fall in love with another man?? I thought she is shattered after Dev's death... But, she is smiling and laughing here... That too with another guy... No, this should not happen... They can't get closer... I want her... She is mine and cannot be anyone's... Last time, that Dev came in between but not now... I must get her at any cost... (Looks at Ishana's picture and caress it lustfully) I waited for a long time for you... I can't wait anymore... I have to make you mine... (Stares at her picture) You don't like my touch and pushed me away... But, now, you let this Omkara to touch you... You didn't push him like you did to me... But, you accept his touches and you too touch him back... What's there in his touch that you allowed him?? If you can allow him to touch you, then, you must allow me too... I'm not going to leave you this time, Ishana... I will make you mine... If anyone come in between, I won't hesitate to take their life... (Laughs evilly)

ShivIka's room

ShiRu finish narrating AniSou about Ashok's deed to SwetIsh and show the video to them... AniSou are burning in anger...
Annika: What kind of people are them, Shivaay?? They did like that to Swetlana and that cheapde tried to rape Ishana?? These kind of people still existing in this world?? They don't deserve to live, Shivaay... I feel to slap that cheapde with my chamki...
Shivaay: They are worst than devils, Annika... I can't believe they did like that but it's the truth...
Soumya: Poor Swetlana... She loves them very much and stooped low for them... But, they used her love and innocence to fulfill their revenge...
Rudra: Exactly!!! Luckily, she met the Raichands and they accepted her wholeheartedly... But, now, this Ashok came here... We have to know his motive... For that, he have to stay here... So that we can keep an eye of him...
Shivaay: Right... Annika, Soumya, don't let Swetlana to be alone... If there is no one with her, you stay with her... PriMa will stay with Ishana...
Annika: Ok, Shivaay... We don't let that 2rs cheapde to near her shadow as well...
Rudra: Pity for Swetlana... She doesn't know Ashok's bad intention towards Ishana bhabhi...
Annika: No, Rudra... She knows about it... (ShiRu are shocked)
Soumya: And that is what she is worrying and fear about...
Shivaay: That means she knows that he tried to molest Ishana before??
Annika: I don't think she knows about it... But, from what she said to us just now, we understood that she knows that Ashok is having bad intention towards Ishana...
Shivaay: Annika, tell us clearly what she said... (Annika is about to say something)
Rudra: One minute, bhabhi... Let O come as well... He also need to know about it... After all it's about his Ishana... (Shivaay slaps his head)
Omkara comes there smiling to himself... Shivika and RuMya smile looking at each other...
Rudra: O, bhabhi... (Cuts by Omkara)
Om: She is in her room... I sent her there just now...
Rudra: Who??
Om: Ishana... You are talking about her, right?? (Shivika and RuMya chuckle)
Rudra: (whispers to Shivaay) Bhaiya, I just said bhabhi... But, he thought Ishana bhabhi... (ShiRu share high five and laugh)
Om: Why you both are laughing??
Shivaay: It's nothing, Om... Actually, AniSou want to say something to us about Ashok... We want you to listen as well... (Omkara agrees) Annika, you can start...
Annika: (nods) Few days after Dev's death, Ashok called Swetlana to his house...

Flashback 2 years ago

Swetlana went to Ashok's house after receiving his call... She saw the door open and went inside without knocking the door... She is shocked to see Ishana's pictures hanging everywhere on the wall... She called his name few times but he doesn't respond... She walked towards his room and saw him talking with Ishana's picture...
Ashok: Ishana, you are just mine... Since the first day I saw you, I was thinking about you only... But, you don't even look at me... You only look at that Dev... I can't see that... I want you to myself...
Swet: (screamed angrily) Ashok!!! (Ashok turns to her and about to say something but Swetlana stops him) Don't say a word... What is this?? (Looking at Ishana's pictures) Don't say that you love Ishu...
Ashok: Yes, Didi... I love Ishu very much...
Swet: (sarcastically) Really?? You want me to believe you?? I won't trust you in this matter... Even if you truly love her, forget it... Because, she will not become yours... She loves only Dev... Dev!!! Remember that...
Ashok: But, he is dead and will not come again... Let me marry her... I will make her happy... Are you you going to keep her with you forever??
Swet: I didn't say that I'm going to keep her with me forever... I too want her to live happily... But, not now... She needs sometime to recover from this incident...
Ashok: I will wait for that time... But, I want her...
Swet: (smirks) You only want her... But, you don't love her... I won't let you to marry her...
Ashok: You must be thankful to me that I want to marry her... Who will marry a girl that lost her fiance on her wedding day?? No one will marry her... Everyone will say that she is a bad omen... Her biological did a good job for selling her... He must know before that she is a bad omen... You must appreciate me for... (before he could complete his sentence, Swetlana slaps him hard... He holds his face in pain looking at her... She just stares at him angrily...)
Swet: (in anger) Don't ever say a word against her... I won't spare you... What do you think of yourself?? That you are sacrificing yourself by marrying her?? (Holds his collar) Hey!!! My Ishu is not that cheap that she have to marry a creep like you... She deserves a better life and better person... What did you say just now?? No one will marry her?? She is a bad omen?? (Snaps her fingers few times) Ok... I challenge you that she will find someone who will love her deeply and make her go crazy with his love... Someone who will love her more than Dev and makes her to love him more than she loved Dev... Someone whom she can't even breath without seeing him... I will make sure she find her love once again in her life... It's a mother's promise for her daughter... (Hits her hand on the table as a promise)
Ashok: (smirks) Mother?? Did you forget?? She is the one aborted your baby and make you become infertile... But, you are taking her side...
Swet: (smirks back) Why are you worrying about that?? I believe there will be a reason for her to do that... I become infertile not because of her... It's because of the sins that I did before... My pain is less if compare to my Ishu's pain... For her, I'm ready to sacrifice not one baby but more than that... In fact, I can sacrifice my life for her... And, if needed I won't hesitate to change myself back to old Swetlana for her...
Ashok: (laughs evilly) Woww!! That much love for your Ishana... Fine!! I accept your challenge... You try to search everywhere in this world... No one willing to marry a girl like her except me... One day, you will beg me to marry her...
Swet: (laughs) Over confident is not good for yourself, brother... Please change it... My Ishu is a precious diamond and she will find the perfect owner... Even in my last breath, I won't let you to marry her...
Ashok: We will see...
Swet: Sure... (Leaves from there)

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