CHAPTER 96 - Riddhima's Entry

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Study Room

The Chabras and Gauri's mother are waiting for the guys to say something...

Mr Chabra: Shivaay, you said that you want to tell us something but all of you are keeping quiet without saying anything...

Shivaay: Actually, we want to tell about Ishu but we don't know where to start and how...

Chaya: You are confusing us... Please tell us clearly... (The guys look at each other hesitatingly... Omkara just enters the room and understands their hesitation)

Om: Actually, Ishana is already married with Dev before he died... (The Chabras are completely shocked with the revelation)

Chaya: What?? Ishana is married?? When did this happen??

Arjun: Just before he died...

Reyaan: Means??

Rudra: Bhabhi and Dev was married on the same day Dev left this world forever... (The Chabras look at him in shock... Arjun tells them about the day... Chabras and Gauri's mother's eyes are filled with tears listening to them...)

Mr Chabra: These all had happened but you all never tell us anything about this...

Ranveer: Uncle, no one aware of their wedding except Ishu and me... Ishu can't see her family shattered... That's why we both hid the matter from everyone...

Sid: We just got to know few weeks before...

Gauri's mom: Poor girl lost her husband right after her wedding... That must be very painful for her... I don't know how she managed to hide her sorrow and live happily...

Arjun: We felt that you all should know about this as well... That's why we are telling you... Even though Ishu never lived with Dev but she was his wife and your daughter in law... We don't want this to create a problem between us for hiding it from you...

Mr Chabra: You are mistaken, beta... If we have learn this earlier, our decision will be the same only... If she has stayed with us, we too might have find a guy for her to remarry...

Chaya: Luckily, we didn't know this earlier or Ishana would not have meet Omkara... It's their destiny that bring them together...

Shivaay: You are right... It's their destiny... That is why they become together after so many hurdles... (He started to narrate them about Gauri's death and how Ishana involved in it and how they find out about Kali Thakur behind Gauri's death... They are shocked learning about it...)

Gauri's mom: That Kali killed my Gauri and her baby?? (Cries and Chaya consoles her) I thought it was an accident... He killed my Gauri and put the blame on Ishana...

Om: (hugs her) Maa ji, please don't cry... Everything is solved now and that Kali Thakur got his punishment... He won't be able to do anything again...

Gauri's mom: Damaad ji, you have made a good decision to marry Ishana... You can't get a better girl than her...

Om: (smiles) Thank you, maa ji... (Hugs her again)

Raghav: Actually, we all are worrying how to tell you about this and how you all will react... Now, we are relief...

Chaya: Ishana is very lucky to have you all as her family... (The Raichands guys smiles) You know something, elders use to compare this generation with old generation saying that this generation are irresponsible and selfish... They are completely wrong... This generation are very responsible than the old one... We can see the examples by seeing you all... (Looking at the youngsters) All of you are having your own careers but still your importance are for your families... We are proud of you, guys...

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