CHAPTER 55 - Party at Raichand Mansion

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Everything is prepared for the party... The guys are preparing places for them to sit... The girls except Ishana are bringing the dishes to lawn... They arranged the dishes on the table there... Arjun lifts Ishana and make her to sit on a cushion seat...

Arjun: Are you feeling comfortable, Ishu??

Ishu: Yes, anna... I'm good... (Arjun pats her cheek)

Savitri come to the lawn and see the preparation...

Savi: Not bad... You have prepared these in short time... I'm impressed... (All smiles) Where is Karthika??

Karthika: (from her back) I'm here only, daadima... (Holding a jug of water... Savitri smiles at her)

Savi: Good... You must join us as well... (Karthika nods) So, shall we start?? (Siddharth is about to say something)

Ishu: Only us?? (All look at her in confuse) I mean for this party... No one is joining us?? (All understood what she is trying to ask)

Madhu: Why?? Do you want to invite anyone??

Ishu: No... I was just asking...

All: Really?? (Teasingly)

Ishu: Yes... Whom I want to invite?? (All smile teasingly... Ishana feels awkward and looks down)

Voice: So, you don't want to invite us?? (Ishana turns towards the voice and see the Oberois walking towards them...)

Ishu: (smiles happily) Rudraa!!!

Rudra: Too bad, bhabhi... You don't want to invite your Rudraa?? (Pouts)

Ishu: No... Of course I want you all to join us...

Prinku: Really?? Then, why you didn't invite us??

Ishu: They decided this suddenly and my mobile is not with me... Madhu snatched it from me...

Madhu: Ishu, I didn't snatch it from you... I just take it from you and kept it on your room's table...

Prinku: Too bad, Madhu... Next time, don't do like this... See how much my bhabhi is worried... (Winks at Madhu)

Madhu: (understands) Haww!!! I'm so sorry, Ishu... I won't take your mobile from you again... You can always keep it with yourself... Ishu promise!!

Ishu: Hey, I was kidding only...

Sid: Ok... Come everyone... Take your seats... We can start now...

Everyone sit at their places with their partners... Shivika, Rumya, Priveer, Sidlana, NiRag, DushTi, MiKar, TejVi and ShaNky... Kalyani is sitting beside Savitri while Madhu beside Karthika... Arjun sits in between Madhu and Ishana... Omkara sits between Ishana and Rudra... He smiles at Ishana and she too smiles back...

Om: Are you comfortable sitting here??

Ishu: Yes... I'm good... Don't worry... (Omkara smiles)

Savi: Let's have food... (All started to serve themselves)

Nivi: Bhaiya, feed this for Ishu... I made this especially for her... (Hand over a plate to Arjun)

Arjun: (takes the plate and looks at it) What is this??

Nivi: It's herb chicken... I mean it's made with ginger, garlic, honey and lemon... Ishu will love it... Feed with rice... (Arjun nods... Soumya puts some rice on the plate)

Arjun: Thank you... Ok... You all start to eat... I will feed Ishu first...

Shivaay: You feed her first, Arjun... We will help ourselves...

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