CHAPTER 35 - IshKara Ignoring Each Other

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Ranveer's room

Karthik tells him what Madhu said to him... Ranveer is shocked to hear it and sits on his bed holding his head in tensed... Karthik calms him...
Ranveer: What is this, Karthik?? Why she has to suffer?? She didn't remember the accident... She only knows that she did the accident after we told her... She already feeling guilty for causing a girl's death and Swetlana's abortion... I don't know what will happen if she knows that girl was Omkara's wife, Gauri and she was pregnant as well...
Karthik: Be relax, Ranveer... I'm very much sure that Ishu maa didn't do the accident... Something else happened that day... See, I'm here with you... We will together find the truth after the function... Please don't stress yourself... You have to be strong for our family...
Ranveer: (nods and calms himself) By the way, how you get to know about this??
Karthik: Madhu told me just now...
Ranveer: (raised his eyebrow) You don't even like her... Then, how come you talk with her?? And she shared with you about this... (Looks at him in confused)
Karthik tells him what happened before Madhu telling him about this...
Ranveer: (with concern) Is she fine now?? Or still... (Stops by Karthik)
Karthik: She is fine now, Ranveer... You don't have to worry about her...
Ranveer: How I can't worry for her?? After my sister, Nisha's death, I got a reason to live through Madhu and Ishu only... Ishu is sold by her own father when she was small... Luckily, our family was there for her that time... She is the apple of the eye for them... But, Madhu's situation is different... She is abandoned by her own family who loved her once just because of their so called caste, lineage and society... Poor girl... How much she has suffered missing her family... That is why I pay more attention towards Madhu and scold you whenever you teased her...
Karthik: Hey, I know, yaar... In fact, I too felt bad for her... I'm jealous with her closeness with Ishu maa... But, it doesn't mean that I don't like her... I teased her because I don't want her to feel alone... I thought to stop if she scolds me back, but she didn't say anything... So, I continue teasing her...
Ranveer: (thinks) How she will scold you, duffer??? She is crazily in love with you... You are the one not realising it...
Karthik: But, she is a nice girl... (Ranveer looks at him in surprised) She is ready to sacrifice her life for Ishu maa... I felt very bad when she cried just now... Her touch (looks at his hand and recalls her holding his hand) is having a magic that make my heart.... (Stops realising what he is saying...) I'm having some work to do... I'll see you later... (Leaves from there..)
Ranveer: (smiles looking at Karthik) Yesss!!! He started to fall for Madhu... Oberoi Mansion is having a love magic... Whoever comes here are falling in love... Me, Ishu and now Karthik...


Few days later.....

Swetlana is sitting in worry thinking about something... Omkara just came from outside and see her... He feels something is disturbing her and goes towards her... Swetlana realised his presence and looks at him... She smiles sadly at him...
Om: What happened, Swetlana?? You are looking worried...
Swet: (thinks a while) I'm worried about Ishu...
Om: What's wrong with her??
Swet: (hesitates to tell) Actually, it's Dev's death day tomorrow... (Omkara is shocked) Usually, she will lock herself in her room and cry her heart out... She will not even eat that day... I... (Stops her)
Om: You are worried that she will do the same this year... Don't worry... This year she is not going to do that...
Swet: How?? What are you going to do??
Om: I'll tell you but I need your permission for that...
Swet: I don't have any objection if my Ishu is happy...
Om: (smiles) Ok... I have a plan... (Tells her something)
Swet: But, Omkara, this will not make her to forget about the day...
Om: Swetlana, this is not to make her to forget his death day... Of course she will remember it... This is to divert her mind from it... His death affected her a lot... I too can't get Gauri's death from my heart even after these years... What this poor girl can do??
Swet: I understand that, Omkara but... (Cuts by Omkara)
Om: You don't worry... I'll take care of it... Now, you take rest... I'll go and see her first... (Swetlana nods... Omkara leaves from there)

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