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Leap of Few years.....


Omkara is in his room looking at a portrait... He caresses the portrait and kisses it...

Om: I miss you, Ishana... I miss you very much... (Shivaay enters the room...)

Shivaay: Om, you are not ready yet?? You know right what day is today?? (Omkara nods) It's getting late... Faster come...

Om: You go first... I will come in a while... (Shivaay nods and leaves from the room... Omkara continues looking at Ishana's portrait...) It's been three years, Ishana... (Sighs and leaves from the room...)

Living Room

Annika is making her three years old daughter, Shivani to get ready while Soumya is making her daughter Ramya to get ready... Omkara comes there...

Om: Bhabhi, where are three of them??

Annika: They are with their grandparents... Bade maa and maa are getting them ready... (Omkara nods and leaves from there...)

ShivRu come with their two year old sons, Satvik and Reyaan... Rudra is the one decided to name their son as Reyaan for his sacrificial for Ishana... Soumya is surprised with his decision and refused at first... Which husband will kept his wife's ex boyfriend's name for their son?? But, Rudra convinced her saying this is the only way they can thank him... Soumya agrees hesitatingly...

Shivaay: Our both champs are ready... Waiting for another champ and two angels more...

TejVi's Room

Omkara enters the room and sees JhaNky and TejSak are making his kids to get ready... Jhanvi looks at Omkara...

Jhanvi: Om, you are here?? Five minutes more, they will be ready... Dev is easy to handle but this Gauri and Omisha is very hard...

Om: (smiles) I know, mom... Sorry for troubling you...

Tej: This is not trouble, Om... They are our grandchildren... We love to dress them up... (Handing over Dev towards Omkara... Omkara lifts him and kisses his cheek...)

Dev: Papa.... I am....... ready.....

Om: Very good, champ... That is papa's boy... (Gauri and Omisha walk slowly towards Omkara...)

Gauri: Pa..pa.. we are ready.... (Extends her hands towards him asking him to carry her... He makes Dev to sit on his left side and lifts Gauri in his right arms... Omisha cries feeling left out...)

Om: Oh, my baby... Don't cry... Papa will carry you too... Mom, lift her and give to me...

Shakti: Om, how you will carry all of them??

Om: I can, choti papa... I have carried them before... (Jhanvi lifts Omisha and gives to Omkara... He holds her in the middle and hugs three of them carefully... He leaves from the room with them...)

Living Room

ShivIka and RuMya are surprised to see Omkara carrying DevRiSha in his arms...

Shivaay: Om, what is this??

Om: You know right, if I lift one, others two also would ask the same... (All laugh at him...)

Shivaay: Give one of them to me... (Extends his hands) Who wants to come to me?? (Three of them extend their hands making everyone laugh...)

Annika: Om, I think you give three of them to him... (Omkara chuckles... Shivaay takes Omisha from him... Omisha looks at Shivaay's eyes and cries... All laugh again...) Shivaay, she got scared looking at your kanji eyes...

Life Found Love Once Again (UNDER EDITING) #IBB AWARDS 2018Where stories live. Discover now